STaRT – bringing rehabilitation into your living room

STaRT – bringing rehabilitation into your living room

In this project we want to identify comparable key features of telerehabilitation systems in terms of hardware, software, therapy methods and interaction with patients. Therefore a already developed telerehabilitation system created at the University of Applied Sciences St. Pölten called UMBRELLO was used

Sm@rt WORK(ing)

Sm@rt WORK(ing)

The aim of our project is to make the (work-)life of construction worker easier, safer, and healthier

Chin-Up – Notice the World around you!

Chin-Up – Notice the World around you!

The aim of this project was to find a solution for the “text neck”-problem. After a detailed literature research the idea to delevop a device to remind smartphone users to lift their head after using their mobile device for a certain time came up

eHealth Wallet

eHealth Wallet

The aim of eHealth Wallet is to close the gap between pre-clinical examinations and hospital admission

Weitere studentische Projekte sind hier zu finden: Digital Healthcare Students Showreel