FH-Prof. Jakob Doppler , MSc
- Studiengangsleiter Citizen-Centered Digital Health and Social Care* (MA)
- Studiengangsleiter Digital Healthcare (MA)
- Leiter Center for Digital Health and Social Innovation
- Department Medien und Digitale Technologien
- Departments :
- Gesundheit
- Medien und Digitale Technologien
- Studiengänge :
- Citizen-Centered Digital Health and Social Care* (MA)
- Digital Healthcare (MA)
- Digital Design (MA)
- Digital Media Production (MA)
- Digitale Medientechnologien (MA)
- Gesundheits- und Krankenpflege (BA)
- Interactive Technologies (MA)
- Medientechnik (BA)
- Institute :
- Center for Digital Health and Social Innovation
- Institut für Creative\Media/Technologies
- Project Member, Institute for Pervasive Computing (Linz, Aut)
- Creative Engineer, Ars Electronica Futurelab (Linz, Aut)
- Technical Consultat, Nika (Salzburg, Aut)
- Intern, Interactive Institute Sonic Studio (Sweden)
- Forschungsschwerpunkte: Context Computing, Human Activity Recognition, Music Information Retrieval
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