Coch-LEA – A Listening Exercise Adventure to increase motivation and success of the therapy

#Digital Healthcare (MA) #Student projects

Innovative and interactive auditory training for children with cochlear implants.


Around 466 Million people worldwide have disabled hearing loss and 44 Million of these are children. In Austria one to two children in 1000 are born with a hearing disorder.

Among other methods for treating hearing loss, a cochlea implant is used to transform the sound waves into direct electrical stimulation. Since the stimulation does not sound like “normal” acoustic sound, this different way of hearing must be practiced. A successful rehabilitation of the auditory functions requires dedicated practice. However, there is little or no training material, especially in the pediatric field. Another problem is the lack of trainings with German or even Austrian vocabulary as a well as the motivation of the patients.  

Studies emphasize that additional modern auditory training like apps may increase therapy adherence.Therefore the vision of this project is to combine the smart assistant Amazon Alexa with a robot ball called Sphero bolt to create an innovative and interactive auditory training for children with cochlea implants. CochLEA – A listening exercise adventure to increase motivation and success of the therapy. 

Coch-LEA – A Listening Exercise Adventure to increase motivation and success of the therapy. 

What is Coch-LEA?