Call for “Ideas for Future“

The submission phase is over!

The submission deadline expired on January 15, 2021. Thank you for the numerous submissions.

A jury will select the 25 best ideas by the beginning of March. The teams will then be informed promptly.

How are the ideas assessed?

The following criteria are used to evaluate the ideas:

🏵️ Quality of the submission (10 points)

🏵️🏵️ Originality of the idea (20 points)

🏵️🏵️ Added value for the general public (20 points)

🏵️🏵️ Future prospects / feasibility (20 points)

🏵️🏵️🏵️ Innovative content (30 points)

When will the 25 best ideas be presented?

The 25 best ideas for the future will be presented at from the end of April.

You want to know more? Feel free to ask!
Mag. Schweighofer Eva, Bakk.

Mag. Eva Schweighofer , Bakk.

Section Head Corporate Publishing
Marketing and Communications