Course Contents

Master programme Digital Business Communications

In this part-time degree programme with distance learning components, you will acquire a high level of communication, media and visualisation skills. With this package of communications skills, you can optimally shape the future of corporate and sustainability communication.

You will combine application skills in corporate communications, content creation and web design with profound digital understanding. With the knowledge of which machine learning and AI approaches are used in corporate and sustainability communication, you can effectively and strategically manage the digital transformation.

Our Master's programme also imparts legal knowledge, understanding the concept of sustainability as well as knowledge of the business and capital markets. The focus is on stakeholder management and a behaviour-oriented understanding of management. Ethics and CSR are central pillars of the programme.

We make you an expert in

  • Corporate Communications
  • Investor & Public Relations
  • Sustainability Communications 
  • Digital Reporting
  • and much more.

Close connection to practice

Put your expertise to the test right away: During your studies, you will gain experience in numerous practical projects with companies:

  • the conception of digital communication and reporting strategies,
  • Designing corporate websites,
  • online annual reports,
  • digital sustainability reports or
  • developing social media campaigns in public and investor relations.

You can also deepen your knowledge by visiting renowned professional conferences as part of your studies and already make important contacts for your career path during your studies.

Language competence: English

You can perfect your English skills in foreign language and subject-related courses.

You learn subject-related English at various levels: About one third of the courses are held in English. English is also anchored in the curriculum:

  • Financial English (1st semester): prepares you for the subject-related courses that are held in English.
  • Scientific English (2nd semester): You learn science-related language skills and how to write scientific papers in English yourself.

Individual specialisation (3rd and 4th semester)

Select 2 out of 3 specialisations for individual in-depth studies:

Investor Relations

Digital Reporting

Sustainability Communications 

Interdisciplinary Elective Module

The iLab programme allows students to participate in an interdisciplinary and intercultural project semester with the working language being English. 


Soon you will find the study plan with the courses of the 4 semesters here.

From the study programme

Additional qualifications and opportunities

Strong Cooperation Partners

Experience Internationality
