Master Class Experimental Media

Digital Design

Experimental action and research are at the heart of this master class. Cutting-edge media technologies as well as complex software and hardware tools are examined with regard to their design options and used in a target-oriented manner in independent, experimental and artistic project implementations. The teaching of interdisciplinary content from the fields of media art, media design and digital media technologies opens up a broad understanding of contemporary media production.

Teaching Content


VR/AR/XR, Immersion, Art & Technologies

Work in Progress

fhSPACE and


fhSPACE provides a broad and sensitive approach to the topic of AV media both from a technologically advanced and an artistic/creative perspective. Are you curious to know more? Take a look at the videos on our YouTube channel!

Examples from the Master Class Experimental Media

More videos are available at YouTube Channel fhSPACEtv.






Master Class Team

Our lecturers come directly from the practical realm. Visit their websites to get an idea of their work:

Choose your Master Class

Apart from Experimental Media, the study programme Digital Design also offers the following Master Classes:

You want to know more? Feel free to ask!
FH-Prof. Mag. Wintersberger Markus

FH-Prof. Mag. Markus Wintersberger

Deputy Academic Director Digital Design (MA) Lecturer Department of Media and Digital Technologies
Dipl.-Ing. Munk Christian

Dipl.-Ing. Christian Munk

Junior Researcher
Media Creation Research Group
Institute of Creative\Media/Technologies
Department of Media and Digital Technologies
Dipl.-Ing. Wagensommerer Thomas, MA BA BSc

Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Wagensommerer , MA BA BSc

Associate Lecturer