Master Class Experimental Media
Digital Design
Experimental action and research are at the heart of this master class. Cutting-edge media technologies as well as complex software and hardware tools are examined with regard to their design options and used in a target-oriented manner in independent, experimental and artistic project implementations. The teaching of interdisciplinary content from the fields of media art, media design and digital media technologies opens up a broad understanding of contemporary media production.
Teaching Content
VR/AR/XR, Immersion, Art & Technologies
Work in Progress
fhSPACE and
Examples from the Master Class Experimental Media
More videos are available at YouTube Channel fhSPACEtv. – Immersive Media Studio, Master Class Experimental Media 2019 | Copyright: Master Class Experimental Media 2019 - Immersive Media Studio, Masterklasse Experimentelle Medien 2019 | Copyright: Masterklasse Experimentelle Medien 2019
Deformierbare Videoinstallation (deformable video installation) | Copyright: Fabian Kindl 2018
Kopfkino (cinema for the mind) | Copyright: Ani Antonova Hristova 2018
Wearable Theatre. The Art of Immersive Storytelling. 2019 | Copyright: Wearable Theatre 2019
Master Class Team
Our lecturers come directly from the practical realm. Visit their websites to get an idea of their work:
Choose your Master Class
Apart from Experimental Media, the study programme Digital Design also offers the following Master Classes:

FH-Prof. Mag. Markus Wintersberger
Deputy Academic Director Digital Design (MA) Lecturer Department of Media and Digital Technologies
Dipl.-Ing. Christian Munk
Junior ResearcherMedia Creation Research Group
Institute of Creative\Media/Technologies Department of Media and Digital Technologies