Teaching Studios

The Teaching Studios offer lecturers a first-class platform for synchronous and asynchronous online teaching.

Lehrender im Teaching Studio

Turn your online teaching into an interactive and inspiring experience for your students.

Preconfigured Setups

With our preconfigured setups, it is easier than ever to record and stream teaching units.

At the push of a button, you can switch between different microphones, camera settings, and screen transmissions and control everything comfortably.

Teaching Studio Set-up

Top Equipment

The Teaching Studios contain only the best components to allow for a smooth teaching experience.

  • High-quality Sony system cameras with fast lenses guarantee high-resolution pictures, while soft boxes create a professional atmosphere through the preset and fine-tuned illumination with soft light.
  • A Shure studio microphone transmits the speaker’s voice clearly and distinctly.
  • The Wacom graphics tablet offers the opportunity to create illustrations or visual support for your teaching materials.
Kamera im Teaching Studio

Mikro im Teaching Studio

Easy to Use

Our system is deliberately simple in design because we want our lecturers to be able to focus fully on teaching. All it takes is the push of a button to boot the entire system including the computer, and studio users can teach either sitting down or standing up using the electronically adjustable desk.

Lecturers can use their regular UAS accounts in the Teaching Studios. Various tools for producing and processing instructional videos are installed on the computer.

Preinstalled Software

  • Adobe Creative Suite with Premiere Pro, After Effects, Audition and Photoshop
  • Techsmith Camtasia
  • Open Broadcast Studio
  • Microsoft Office Suite
  • Microsoft Teams
    (User can install Zoom on their own if they need it.)

Where do I find the studios on Campus?

📍Teaching Studios A.2.40 and A.2.41 – Download Navigation Guide (PDF)