Master Class Film & TV

Digital Media Production

Creation, planning and production of serial TV (studio) shows and video productions, especially in terms of convergent evaluation, e.g. TV, mobile and Internet, editorial and/or fictional content development, pre-production, and organisation of processing, recording direction and production.

Teaching Content

The focus is on the development, design and production as well as the technical implementation and presentation or distribution of new broadcast content.

Key areas

In-Depth Courses Related to Film & TV

Regular Field Trips and Student Exchange

Post-Production Studio

In post-production, the recorded video images are edited and digitally post-processed. Various workstations are available to the students for this purpose.

TV Studio

The TV studio offers plenty of space on 160 square metres. Plus professional, state-of-the-art equipment. This means that all relevant fields of work in video and television production can be mapped and learned.

Best of the Master Class Film & TV

Women's Business

A project initiated by and with students of this master class

Learn more about Women's Business

Logo Womens Business

Campus Television c-tv

The educational TV station of the St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences serves as a lab for TV formats and experiments with the moving image format.


The graduates of the St. Pölten UAS work in various fields of the media sector.

Some of their career profiles include:

Concept developer, editor, recording manager, DIT, news cutter, on-air graphic designer and production engineer for broadcasters such as ORF, ATV, Puls4, Pro7, Sat1, ARD, Servus TV, hr, MDR, and arte as well as production companies like Red Bull Media House, On Media, Filmpool and Zone Wien, and start-ups for digital production.

Double Degree

Students have the unique opportunity to acquire an International Double Degree with Hamburg! Completing the master classes Digital Media Production of the St. Pölten UAS and Zeitabhängige Medien / Sound – Vision – Games of the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (HAW) earns the graduates two academic degrees.

Apart from Film & TV, the master degree programme Digital Media Production also offers the following Master Classes: 

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FH-Prof. Mag. Dr. von Suess Rosa

FH-Prof. Mag. Dr. Rosa von Suess

Academic Director Media Technology (BA) Lecturer Course Leader Film, TV and Media - Creation and Distribution (MA) Department of Media and Digital Technologies Head of c-tv
FH-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Oertel Lars

FH-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Lars Oertel

Deputy Academic Director Digital Media Production (MA) Lecturer International Coordinator Department of Media and Digital Technologies