BIP: The Foodture

The Foodture is an international learning initiative about sustainable food and nutrition for students and lecturers from nutrition related programmes

It started in 2017 as a co-creation week and has evolved into an Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programme (BIP), with participants of various background and cultures. This mixed background definitely contributes to our key objective to develop professional skills for international collaboration on sustainability. This requires crossing borders and entrepreneurial thinking through innovation and creativity. The key objectives are always about developing professional and 21th century skills for international collaboration. 

Since 2021 the Foodture concept expanded. It now consists of a series of online sessions on the one hand and a physical exchange week (the Foodture Meets) on the other hand. The overall programme is acknowledged for 3 ECTS and participants can benefit from Erasmus+ short mobility funding: Blended Intensive Programme. 

2024 the Foodture meets Austria, UAS St. Pölten, course Dietetics, organized by Grassl Hans and Preiner Barbara, with support from all services of UASTP and partners of the BIP. Six online lectures were organized under the umbrella of Sustainability and Nutrition. Around 80 students and 12 lecturers from 9 different countries (Belgium, The Netherlands, Italy, Spain, Lithuania, Germany, UK, US and Austria) spent one week (15.-19th of April 2024) in St. Pölten with a variety lectures, workshops, discussions and sightseeing. The local companies “Sonnentor” and “Spirulix” inspired with their innovative sustainable products. The whole programme was full of interactions with students from all over the world and provided a place for developing great ideas!

Visit our website for further information.