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E³UDRES² Bootcamp - a week of positive challenges

The E³UDRES² Bootcamp is a 5-day event where students from E³UDRES² higher education institutions come together to find solutions to a challenge.

Participants Eudres Bootcamp
Copyright: FH St. Pölten / Sophie Schilcher

‘Too often I see students waste their potential. Don’t let your talent go to waste and make yourself small, you have a lot to offer – use it!’

'Revolutionizing Healthcare through AI'

These were the last words of our fictive CEO for this year's E³UDRES² Bootcamp in Hasselt, Belgium called ‘Revolutionizing Healthcare through AI’. Approximately 30 students from nine universities across Europe came together to enhance the efficiency of the working schedule for nurses and thereby improve their work environment at the local hospital ZOL (Ziekenhuis Oost-Limburg).

Simulated Workweek to develop new ideas

The students were divided into four departments – business, tech, health and ethics – and simulated a workweek under the fictional company ‘Evergreen’. Each department focused on unique aspects of the solution, whether that be a sophisticated business-plan or coding and building the product itself and yet focussing on the wellbeing of nurses rooting in ethical ground rules throughout the entire project. Despite being divided into departments, all of us aimed for a common goal: innovating the working conditions for nurses through introducing AI.

Meeting new people from all over Europe

As a participant, I am very grateful to have met this many people with various expertise and cultural backgrounds. Through this interdisciplinary approach, I believe we complemented each other and benefited from each other’s skills enrichening our own. At the beginning of the week during a workshop the speaker said, ‘If you build something beautiful, you are going to be a part of it’ and I think this sums up this week perfectly.

- Sophie Schilcher