
Circular Economy - Aquaponic Systems
Das Europäische Projektsemester (EPS) zum Thema "Circular Economy - Aquaponic Systems" war ein spannendes Projekt für Studierende aus Frankreich, den Niederlanden und Deutschland.

Wertstromanalyse Rapid Response Production (RRP)
Wertstromanalyse zur Ursachenfindung einer unerwünscht hohen Zahl an Items im Backlog.

Track me if you can!
Das Projekt beschäftigt sich mit der Nachverfolgung (Tracking) von alltäglichen Bluetooth-Geräten wie Smartphones oder Fitnesstrackern.

3D Printer Remote Control
Connecting the 3D printer to the network to make remote printing possible is the challenge we were given at the beginning of the project

Smart Factory Showcase
The objective of the project is to develop a concept for a model representing the “future of production”

Smart E’s Production Line
A new team of international students worked on improving the “Smart Storage Box” concept and turning it into a full-fledged innovative production line.

Bluetooth Digital Asset Tracking in der industriellen Umgebung
In diesem Projekt ging es um die Entwicklung und Optimierung eines mit der Funktechnologie Bluetooth arbeitenden Indoor Asset Tracking Systems.

Smart Storage Box
A team of international students worked on an innovative Industrial-IOT project – creating a concept and a prototype of a Smart Storage Box to improve the manufacturing and storage processes of companies with new digital technologies.

Alive Maps
A team of international students worked on an innovative IOT project – building environmental maps by assessing the data measured by distributed IOT Sensor boxes using the new T-Mobile NB-IoT network

Production Planning Game – Reface
The goal of the European project semester is the technical reface of the production planning game.

Production Planning Game – Relaunch
The goal of the European project semester is the technical reface of the production planning game.