- Gender & Diversity Management
- Fighting Violence against Women
Fighting Violence against Women
Here you can find some helpful links and tips on the topic of “Fighting Violence against Women”, also beyond the period of the campaign “Orange the World”.
Orange the World
1/16 Safeguarding Human Rights
The global campaign “16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence“ calls attention to the fact that one in three women worldwide experiences violations of their human rights at some point in their lives. You can find details on the campaign on the websites of United Nations and UN Women Austria.
2/16 Getting Involved, Listening to Affected Persons and Giving Them Room
Also online: There are various hashtags that address the topic such as #MeToo and # orangetheworld
3/16 Statistics – Violence against Women Is a Major Problem in Austria
- In Austria, 35 per cent of all women aged 15 and over have been affected by physical and/or sexual violence.
- 26 per cent of all women have experienced sexual harassment at work.
- It is suspected that as many as 26 women have been murdered so far in 2024 (until 11/11/2024). Most of these femicides were committed by the women’s partners or family members.
Source and further figures: Autonome Frauenhäuser Österreich (AÖF)
4/16 Making All Genders Visible in Language
Some of you may have noticed that we use a so-called asterisk in words such as “Expert*in” and “Frauen*” in this text. This is because we strive to be an inclusive place for all. We want everyone to feel included and not discriminated against based on their identity.
In terms of concrete assistance, the UAS Board and the Executive Board have issued the Guidelines for Inclusive Communication.
5/16 Taking Action, also as an Observer
Our Statute Part 3: Equality, Promotion of Women gives concrete advice on what you can do if you witness violence.
6/16 Violence Is Usually Male in Austria, and It Affects Us All
The Männerberatung der Caritas St. Pölten & NÖ-West (men’s counselling) offers an anti-violence training programme, among other services.
7/16 Involving the LGBTQIA+ Community
Raising awareness, counselling, and much more:
8/16 Today, 3 December, Is the International Day of Disabled Persons
The #PositivelyPurple campaign focuses on economic self-determination, economic participation and the contribution of people with disabilities
Women with disabilities tend to be more likely to be affected by violence. Help is offered, e.g., by:
- Frauenhelpline gegen Gewalt für gehörlose Frauen (women’s helpline against violence for women with hearing impairments)
- Kraft-Rucksack – für Frauen* mit Gewalt-Erfahrung: This page is offered in simple language in German and English. The contents are also offered as videos in sign language.
9/16 Raising Awareness for Sexualised Violence
“Don’t wear skirts on the underground.” “Never leave your drink unattended.” “Careful when being too nice to a man, you might be misunderstood.” “Try not to be impolite. In case of physical aggression, you’ll be at a disadvantage.”
Many women and girls know these and similar rules and seemingly well-meant pieces of advice. However, they do nothing to prevent women against violence – on the contrary: more attention has to be paid to this topic. It is the only way to increase awareness for sexualised violence in society, thereby minimising risks for women.
This video was created within the framework of our campus channel c-tv and the bachelor degree programme Media Technology.
- Text & performance: Elena Sarto
- Directed ba: Helene Sorger
- Camera: Barbara Fuchs
- Lighting: Barbara Fuchs, Tanja Ploner
- Sound: Tanja Ploner
- Editing: Elisabeth Ehrenhauser
10/16 Empowering Women*
One way of empowering women at the St. Pölten UAS is by supporting young women* in choosing technical careers.
- For more information: Coding is female
11/16 Support: Women’s Helpline
Under the nationwide Frauenhelpline (women’s helpline) against violence (0800 222 555), affected persons and their environment receive free assistance 24/7, 365 days a year, anonymous, and in several languages.
12/16 Support: Peers4You.
Our Peers4You are a contact point for all kinds of problems. Trained students offer support and advice at eye level.
13/16 Sending a Signal
Women can use a discreet hand signal to ask for help without words, for example during a video call.
More information: “The discreet TikTok signal as women’s silent cry for help”, Der Standard, 15/11/2021 (in German)
14/16 What to Do against Sexual Harassment at the Workplace
Act-4Respect offers assistance.
15/16 All-Gender Toilets
Our all-gender toilets can be a safe space for trans, inter*, and non-binary persons and thus prevent discrimination and insecurity. The Campus St. Pölten offers all-gender toilets in both buildings.
16/16 Reaching out
If you have requests and concrete ideas with regard to the prevention of violence or to Gender & Diversity at the St. Pölten UAS, please feel free to contact us.

Anna Steinberger , BSc, BSc, MA
Gender & DiversityService and Competence Centre for Higher Education Development and Quality Management

Dilara Gündüz , BA MA
Gender & DiversityService and Competence Center for Higher Education Development and Quality Management