Dipl.-Ing. Sophie Westfahl , BA, BBA

  • Junior Researcher
    Digital Technologies Research Group
    Institute of Creative\Media/Technologies
  • Department of Media and Digital Technologies
Location A - Campus-Platz 1 A-3100 St. Pölten
Department :
  • Media and Digital Technologies
Institute :
  • Institute of Creative\Media/Technologies

Short profile

  • Sophie Westfahl completed her Bachelor’s degree in Information Management & Corporate Communications at Hochschule Neu-Ulm and additionally earned a Double Degree in Business Information Systems from the University of Applied Sciences Oulu (Finland). She wrote her bachelor's thesis at B/S/H Hausgeräte GmbH, where she developed an AR prototype for dishwasher instructions. For this work, she received the IHK University Award and published the results as a conference and journal paper. She then pursued a Master’s in Interactive Technologies – AR & VR at the University of Applied Sciences St. Pölten. Alongside her studies, she became a self-employed AR developer, working on projects such as AR user manuals and interactive 3D applications.
Click here for the complete profile on research.fhstp.ac.at