Staff A-Z
Dr. Alexandra Anderluh
- Senior Researcher Carl Ritter von Ghega Institute for Integrated Mobility Research
- Department of Rail Technology and Mobility
FH-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Christian Fabian
- Lecturer
- Department of Rail Technology and Mobility
Dipl.-Ing. MPS. Fabián Figueroa Valle
- Junior Researcher Carl Ritter von Ghega Institute for Integrated Mobility Research
- Department of Rail Technology and Mobility
Dipl.-Pol. Yvonne Gorski
- Junior Researcher Carl Ritter von Ghega Institute for Integrated Mobility Research
- Department of Rail Technology and Mobility
FH-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Hirut Grossberger
- Senior Researcher Carl Ritter von Ghega Institute for Integrated Mobility Research
- International Coordinator
- Department of Rail Technology and Mobility
FH-Prof. Dr. Dawn Grace Kremslehner-Haas
- UAS Lecturer for Teaching and Practice
- Department of Computer Science and Security
Karin Lanxinger
- Department Assistant
- Department of Rail Technology and Mobility
FH-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Dipl.-Ing. Frank Michelberger , EURAIL-Ing.
- Head of Department
- Academic Director Rail Technology and Mobility (BA)
Head of Research Institute
Carl Ritter von Ghega Institute for Integrated Mobility Research - Deputy Academic Director Rail Technology and Management of Railway Systems (MA)
- Department of Rail Technology and Mobility
Andrew Nash , MSc Meng MCP
- Senior Researcher Carl Ritter von Ghega Institute for Integrated Mobility Research
- Department of Rail Technology and Mobility
Priv.-Doz. Mag. Dr. Pamela Nolz
- Senior Researcher Carl Ritter von Ghega Institute for Integrated Mobility Research
- Department of Rail Technology and Mobility
Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Preslmayr
- Section Head Project Management and Quality Enhancement
- Department of Rail Technology and Mobility
Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Ulrich Puz , MBA
- Academic Director Rail Technology and Management of Railway Systems (MA)
- Deputy Academic Director Rail Technology and Mobility (BA)
- Campus Co-ordinator European Railway Systems (MA)
- Department of Rail Technology and Mobility
Tobias Pöllmann , BA
- Teaching and Research Assistant Carl Ritter von Ghega Institute for Integrated Mobility Research
- Department of Rail Technology and Mobility
Silvia Urban
- Department Administrator
- Programme Administrator Rail Technology and Management of Railway Systems (MA)
- Programme Administrator Rail Technology and Mobility (BA)
- Programme Administrator Rail Vehicle Technology* (BA)
- Department of Rail Technology and Mobility
Ing. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Adrian Wagner , BSc
- Researcher Carl Ritter von Ghega Institute for Integrated Mobility Research
- Department of Rail Technology and Mobility