Staff A-Z
Sarah Bayerl-Schwarzinger
- Department Administrator
- Department of Health Sciences
FH-Prof. Mag. Angelika Beirer , Bsc
- Lecturer
- Department of Health Sciences
FH-Prof. Romana Bichler , PT MAS
- Lecturer
- Department of Health Sciences
FH-Prof. Lisa Brunhuber , BSc MA MSc
- Deputy Academic Director Healthcare and Nursing (BA)
- Lecturer
- Department of Health Sciences
Marlene Cermak , BA MA
Evaluation and Knowledge Transfer
Service and Competence Centre for Higher Education Development and Quality Management
Sabine Chmelar , MSc
- Junior Researcher Institute of Health Sciences
- Department of Health Sciences
Özlem Cimen Huber
- Department Administrator
- Department of Health Sciences
FH-Prof. Jakob Doppler , MSc
- Academic Director Citizen-Centered Digital Health and Social Care* (MA)
- Academic Director Digital Healthcare (MA)
- Head of Center for Digital Health and Social Innovation
- Department of Media and Digital Technologies
Bernhard Dumphart , Bakk. MSc
- Junior Researcher Institute of Health Sciences
- Department of Health Sciences
FH-Prof. Veronika Edtbauer , BSc MSc MSc
- Lecturer
- Department of Health Sciences
Paul Eidenhammer , PT MSc
- Lecturer
- Department of Health Sciences
Bernhard Engelmann , MAS
- Junior Researcher Institute of Health Sciences
Junior Researcher
Center for Digital Health and Social Innovation - Department of Health Sciences
FH-Prof. Mag. Eva-Maria Freiheim , MSc
- Lecturer
- Department of Health Sciences
Charlotte Fuchs , BSc, MSc
- Teaching and Research Assistant Healthcare and Nursing (BA)
- Department of Health Sciences
Magdalena Führer , PT BSc
- Research Assistant Institute of Health Sciences
- Department of Health Sciences
FH-Prof. Mag. Petra Ganaus , MSc
- Academic Director Healthcare and Nursing (BA)
- Department of Health Sciences
FH-Prof. Julia Glösmann , BSc MSc
- Deputy Academic Director Healthcare and Nursing (BA)
- Lecturer
- International Coordinator
- Department of Health Sciences
Johann Grassl
- UAS Lecturer for Teaching and Practice
- International Coordinator
- Department of Health Sciences
Philipp Greimel , PT MSc
- Lecturer
- International Coordinator
- Department of Health Sciences
Mag. Andrea Haas , PT MSc
- Lecturer
- Department of Health Sciences
Martina Haferl
- Department Administrator
- Department of Health Sciences
Martina Haider , MSc
- UAS Lecturer for Teaching and Practice
- Department of Health Sciences
Daniela Hellein
- Department Administrator
- Programme Administrator Applied Nutritional Therapy (acad.)
- Department of Health Sciences
FH-Prof. Dipl.-Sporting. Dr. Mario Heller
- Lecturer
- Department of Media and Digital Technologies
FH-Prof. Dr. Ursula Hemetek , MPH
- Lecturer
- Department of Health Sciences
FH-Prof. Priv.-Doz. Dr. Brian Horsak
- Head of Center for Digital Health and Social Innovation
- Senior Researcher Institute of Health Sciences
- Department of Health Sciences
FH-Prof. Mag. Dr. Elisabeth Höld
- Senior Researcher Institute of Health Sciences
- Department of Health Sciences
Kinga-Klara Iliuta
- Programme Administrator Healthcare and Nursing (BA)
- Department of Health Sciences
Sylvia Inreiter
- Lab Organisation Healthcare
- Department of Health Sciences
Klaudia Jahodinsky
- Department Administrator
- Department of Health Sciences
Fabio Jamnik , MSc
- UAS Lecturer for Teaching and Practice
- Department of Health Sciences
Jessica Janssen , PhD
- Senior Researcher Institute of Health Sciences
- Department of Health Sciences
Romana Eva Jurkowitsch , BSc, MSc
- Lecturer
- Department of Health Sciences
FH-Prof. Manuel Kaider , BSc MScN
- Lecturer
- Department of Health Sciences
Matthias Kalmring , MSc
- Junior Researcher Institute of Health Sciences
- Department of Health Sciences
FH-Prof. Mag. Helmut Kammerzelt , MAS
- Academic Director Marketing and Communication (BA)
- Deputy Academic Director Digital Marketing and Communication (MA)
- Course Leader Eventmanagement (acad.)
- Course Leader Eventmanagement (MA)
- Course Leader Eventmanagement (MBA)
- Department of Digital Business and Innovation
FH-Prof. Mag. Gabriele Karner , MBA
- Academic Director Dietetics (BA)
- Course Leader Applied Nutritional Therapy (acad.)
- Department of Health Sciences
Manuela Kendler
- Coordination Course Planning and Study Programme Organisation Healthcare and Nursing (BA)
- Department of Health Sciences
FH-Prof. Anita Kidritsch , PT MSc
- Senior Researcher Institute of Health Sciences
- Department of Health Sciences
Manuela Kisiel , PT MSc
- Lecturer
- Department of Health Sciences
Tamara Klein
- Timetabling Coordinator
- Department of Health Sciences
Christina Viktoria Knoll
- Department Administrator
- Timetabling Coordinator
- Department of Health Sciences
FH-Prof. Mag. Dr. Jutta M. Kutrovátz
- Lecturer
- Department of Health Sciences
FH-Prof. Kerstin Lampel , PT MSc
- Academic Director Physiotherapy (BA)
- Member of the UAS Board from 2023 to 2026
- Department of Health Sciences
Christoph Lang , PT BSc MSc
- Lecturer
- Department of Health Sciences
Mag. Michaela Leitner
- Head of Administration
- Department of Health Sciences
FH-Prof. Mag. Dr. Gabriele Leitner
- Lecturer
- Department of Health Sciences
Pavla Loncar
- Lab Organisation Healthcare
- Department of Health Sciences
FH-Prof. Michaela Neubauer , PT M. Physio
- Lecturer
- Department of Health Sciences
Mag. Helmut Parisch , BSc
- Lecturer
- Department of Health Sciences
Tamara Pfannhauser
- Department Organisation
- Department of Health Sciences
FH-Prof. Mag. Dr. Johannes Pflegerl
- Academic Director Social Work (MA)
Head of Research Institute
Ilse Arlt Institute for Social Inclusion Research - Lecturer
- Deputy Head of Department
- Department of Social Sciences
Katharina Pschick , BScN MSc
- Lecturer
- Department of Health Sciences
FH-Prof. Anna-Maria Raberger , PT MSc
- Lecturer
- Department of Health Sciences
FH-Prof. Mag. (FH) Heidemarie Ramler
- Deputy Academic Director Dietetics (BA)
- Lecturer
- Department of Health Sciences
Ursula Rath
- Department Administrator
- Department of Health Sciences
Mag. Dr. Theres Rathmanner
- Researcher Institute of Health Sciences
- Department of Health Sciences
Ing. Benjamin Roszipal , BSc MMS
- Junior Professor Institute of Health Sciences
- Department of Health Sciences
FH-Prof. Stefan Rottensteiner , BSc MA
- Lecturer
- Course Leader Prehospital care and nursing (acad.)
- Department of Health Sciences
Johanna Schedlberger , BScN MSc
- Junior Professor Healthcare and Nursing (BA)
- Department of Health Sciences
Carola Schilcher , MSc
- Lecturer
- Department of Health Sciences
Mag. Dr. Johannes Schirghuber
- Lecturer
- Department of Health Sciences
Adelina Schmid , PT MA
- currently on leave
- Lecturer
- Department of Health Sciences
Tania Schmoll , BSc BSc MSc
- Lecturer
- Department of Health Sciences
Katharina Schubert , Bakk.
- Department Assistant
- Department of Health Sciences
FH-Prof. Manuel Schwanda , BSc MScN
- Deputy Academic Director Healthcare and Nursing (BA)
- Lecturer
- Senior Researcher Institute of Health Sciences
- Department of Health Sciences
Mark Simonlehner , MSc
- Junior Researcher Institute of Health Sciences
- Department of Health Sciences
FH-Prof. Andreas Stübler , PT MAS
- Deputy Academic Director Physiotherapy (BA)
- Lecturer
- Department of Health Sciences
FH-Prof. Mag. Gabriella Szelesi
- Lecturer
- Department of Health Sciences
Mag. Ursula Trübswasser , PhD
- Senior Researcher Institute of Health Sciences
- Department of Health Sciences
Alexandra Tulla , MA
Service and Competence Centre for Higher Education Development and Quality Management
FH-Prof. Miriam Wagner , PT MSc
- currently on leave
- Lecturer
- Department of Health Sciences
Martina Wampel-Folwarczny , MSc
- UAS Lecturer for Teaching and Practice
- Department of Health Sciences
Roswitha Wimmer-Grötzl , BSc MSc
- Lecturer
- Department of Health Sciences
FH-Prof. Barbara Wondrasch , PT PhD
- Head of Department
Head of Research Institute
Institute of Health Sciences - Member of the UAS Board from 2023 to 2026
- Department of Health Sciences
FH-Prof. DSA Mag. (FH) Martin Zauner , MMSc
- UAS Lecturer for Teaching and Practice
- Department of Social Sciences
Paul Zeiner , PT,BSc MSc
- Lecturer
- Department of Health Sciences
Sabine H. Zwedorn
- Department Administrator
- Department of Health Sciences
Anna Übelacker , BScN MScANP
- Lecturer
- Department of Health Sciences