We are the Board of the St. Pölten UAS

Group photo of our UAS Board, 2025 | Copyright: FH St. Pölten
The UAS Board consists of the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson of the Board as well as representatives of the groups of Academic Directors, full-time and part-time teaching staff, researchers, and students.
Academic Directors
Lecturers & scientific staff
Part-time teaching staff representative
Student representatives
- Lukas Ertl
- Clemens Jung, BSc
- Eva Kiefer
- Verena Koller
Assistant to the Chairperson of the UAS Board
Chairperson of the Board

Vice Chairperson of the UAS Board FH-Prof. Mag. Monika Kovarova-Simecek and Chairperson of the UAS Board FH-Prof. Dipl. Ing. Dr. Alois Frotschnig | Copyright: Florian Stix
Our Expertise and Tasks
The St. Pölten UAS Board is a democratically elected and highly academic body of the University of Applied Sciences. It is responsible for the implementation and organisation of teaching and examinations as well as research, and performs its tasks in accordance with § 10 University of Applied Sciences Act (FHG).
How we Operate - Our Tasks
The Board of the St. Pölten UAS convenes six times per academic year.
In several committees and working groups, the respective delegated Board members fulfil their tasks unbound by instructions. They prepare topics, for example concerning the UAS’ strategy, review applications and forward these to the Board following internal coordination.
Content that is subject to a Board resolution is then discussed at the following Board meeting and decided once all requirements are met. If the necessary majority for a resolution cannot be achieved, for example, the Board issues instructions for the motion's improvement to the applicant.
In this way, the UAS Board coordinates central topics pertaining to teaching and research for the St. Pölten UAS, thereby performing its tasks as set out in § 10 FHG as amended.
These Are the Functions of the UAS Board:
Decision-Making Tasks
- Coordination of the entire teaching operations in terms of content
- Decisions concerning complaints about Academic Directors
- Establishment and discontinuation of study programmes and continuing education programmes
- Issuance of a Statute including examination regulations
- Changes concerning study programmes
- Awarding of academic honours
- Submission of applications to the provider concerning the budget
- Further development of teaching, applied research and internationalisation for the assurance of competence- and future-oriented studies at a higher education level
- Assurance of quality in teaching and research
- Protection of the continued equality of women and men, preparation and implementation of the equal opportunities plan
Holding of Elections
- Election of the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson of the UAS Board
- Establishment of an electoral commission for the Board election of teaching and research staff
The Chairperson of the UAS Board has these Tasks:
- Awarding and revocation of academic degrees
- Nostrification of foreign academic degrees
- Proposals for the appointment of heads of academic organisational units and the recruitment and dismissal of teaching and research staff to the provider
- Commissioning of and participation in the implementation of external quality assurance procedures in coordination with the provider
Committees & Working Groups of the UAS Board
- Committee for Programme Development
- Committee for Quality Development in Teaching
- Committee for Quality Development in Research
- Committee for Internationalisation in Teaching and Research
- Committee for Quality Assurance in the Personnel Sector of Teaching and Research
- Committee for Study Law
Complaints Committee of the UAS Board
Pursuant to § 10 FHG, students and prospective students (applicants) have the possibility to file a complaint against the decision of an Academic Director with the UAS Board. Complaints can be filed either in person or through the student representatives. The Chairperson of the Board is the direct point of contact for these matters (e-mail).
The Board may set up a Complaints Committee in order to deal with any complaints against decisions of Academic Directors.
Office of the Austrian Student Ombudsman with the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research
The Office of the Austrian Student Ombudsman offers advice on issues concerning studying, teaching, examinations, services and administration at higher education institutions. It provides assistance and mediation for problems in the aforementioned areas.
For more information, visit www.hochschulombudsmann.at (in German)
Statutes of St. Pölten UAS
White Papers and Position Papers
White Papers
Position Papers
Further Documents and Information for Students