Course Contents

Master programme Digital Media Management*

You acquire competencies in the following areas:

  • Media structures and international media markets
  • Management & economics
  • Digital technologies & platforms
  • Digital publishing
  • Content & data management
  • Entrepreneurship & business planning
  • etc.

In addition to the basics of the professional field in the areas of economics, law, and management, this programme teaches you digital skills and know-how in scientific working.

Master Class “Media Content & Data Management”

Interdisciplinary Elective Module

With the iLab, you can opt for an interdisciplinary and intercultural project semester with English as the working language.

Focus on the Professional Field

In the module “Professional Field”, students deal with the requirements and perspectives in the areas of “research”, “action”, and “business foundation”, while focusing specifically on the vocational fields open to them. You can choose between the following fields:

  • In this context, “research” refers to activities in the domains of research, development, and innovation.
  • The term “action” is used to describe those professional aspects where experts apply their own competencies on other people’s behalf, e.g., in an employment relationship.
  • “Business foundation” means launching one’s own business based on original, innovative ideas, services, or solutions approaches.