The Digital Babenberger Family Tree

#Media Technology (BA) #/Media & Digital Technologies #Student projects

In cooperation with the Abbey of Klosterneuburg, students have developed an app for the Babenberger family tree.

Museum visit as an experience

The Babenberger family tree is now portrayed and further explained in an interactive and playful way. Visitors to the museum can use a touch screen to gain a more in-depth understanding of art and interact with the complex and detailed picture.


The goal of the project was to present the Babenberger family tree to a larger audience in a contemporary way.

Project steps

At the beginning, some requirements needed to be fulfilled, and thus the team had to find a way to combine all the ideas into a product everyone was happy with: for this project it was decided to design an app on a big multitouch screen on which the user could explore the world of the Babenberger family.

The team got to visit the Babenberger family tree in the Abbey of Klosterneuburg and met the client for the first time. After that it was a lot of brainstorming, designing, doing user research, getting feedback and doing it all over again, but better. During the project there was also a tremendous amount of information about the Babenberger family to go through, so the app would have the best possible information available for the end user. Three concept changes later the concept was finally ready to be made; the programmers went to work and together with the help of the rest of the team, and after another couple of adjustments a prototype was made for the museum.

The final step was to test the prototype one last time, so the client could improve the app further with guidelines based on the tests. With everything done, the app was presented to everyone involved and was well received.


The outcome of the project was an app on a big multitouch screen. The app is still a prototype and comes with guidelines for further improvement. Many features including: rotation, zoom and pop-ups turn exhibition visits into a digital and multimedia experience.

EPS Babenberger Stammbaum_Gruppenfoto