Career Center

Job and Career Platform

Welcome to the Career Center of the St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences!

Employers are highly interested in the students and graduates of the St. Pölten UAS and use the Career Center by Job Teaser to find the perfect candidates for their job vacancies and internship positions.

As a student or graduate, you can search by type of employment, professional field and location. Send your application directly to the company. The filter “keyword” helps you find jobs that fit your area of study.

Go to Career Center for students Publish job advertisement Create company profile

career center by job teaser

Career Center for Students and Graduates

Here you have the opportunity to

  • find jobs and internships – the search engine provides offers from various platforms
  • search for specific keywords to filter results suited to your individual area of study
  • browse company profiles and explore career opportunities
  • discover events relevant for your career; coaching sessions, workshops, fairs, chats, etc.
  • set up e-mail notifications for job vacancies and events

Log into the Career Center with your UAS access details
The platform is available in German, English and Spanish:

  • During the initial registration: in the top left corner (DE, EN, ES)
  • If you are already logged in: scroll to the end of the page and choose your language (DE, EN, ES).

Career Center for Companies

You are looking for a new member for your team? Our free Career Center by Job Teaser is the right place for you.

  • You are looking to advertise jobs only?
    Then create a recruiting account to monitor directly how many students have viewed your offers, and who applies for them. You can also change or archive your job advertisements.
    Create recruiting account
  • You want to present your company in detail and publish job offers and events?
    By creating a company profile, you can not only advertise internships and jobs and change offers quickly on your own but also describe your company in a profile that our users can follow. In addition, you have the option to use your company profile to promote your own career events by creating entries in the Career Center’s event calendar (e.g., Recruiting Day, Open Day, etc.).
    Create company profile

Is your company already registered in the Career Center?

You want to know more? Feel free to ask!
Willhalm Vera, BA MA

Vera Willhalm , BA MA

currently on leave Section Head Alumni Relations & Career Management
Career Building and Graduate Network