
  • Competence analysis and career planning
  • Professional feedback on own potentials and skills and support with career start

Main Objective: Promotion of Competence Development

  • Recognition of individual professional motivating factors
  • Feedback on one’s own potential, strengths and areas of development
  • Suggestions for the further development of personal competences
  • Using the findings of the career.coaching for defining concrete personal goals as well as career goals
  • Increasing job application chances


The Coaching Process

Preparation for the personal state analysis of competences:

  1. The self-assessment questionnaire is sent via e-mail
  2. The questions are answered online (time required: approx. 20 min)
  3. The evaluation of the personal competence assessment is carried out by certified consultants and serves as a basis for the competence-oriented individual coaching session
  4. Transmission of the overall evaluation of the self-assessment questionnaire as well as the access link for the video conference via Microsoft Teams

Individual Online Session

(1 session = 50 min)

  1. Explanation of the method, clarification of expectations and goals
  2. Discussion of the personal state analysis of competences incl. feedback
  3. Review and discussion of own competences, strengths and possible areas of development
  4. Receipt of a comparison between the personal state analysis of competences and the already existing competence profile “self-development competence”
  5. Receipt of an individual unit for the further development of competence for self-study

Special price for students of the St. Pölten UAS: EUR 120 (incl. VAT) 


You can arrange your personal career coaching appointments directly with our cooperation partner SPORTICUS GmbH (Oliver Plamoser, T: +43 664 / 310 85 96, E: I:



You want to know more? Feel free to ask!
Mag. Blauensteiner Ursula

Mag. Ursula Blauensteiner

Head of Career Building and Graduate Network Center for Research and Cooperation
Willhalm Vera, BA MA

Vera Willhalm , BA MA

currently on leave Section Head Alumni Relations & Career Management
Career Building and Graduate Network