Workshops & Advice

About to take the leap into the professional world? Receive information and advice from us on the topics of “Application, Career & More”! Do you have any questions?

We offer exclusive workshops & short trainings regarding current and exciting topics, application and career workshops with external partners and much more!

Information and Advice

We offer personal counselling in our office A.2.17. Please contact us for your appointment at +43/676/847 228-249.

For online counselling, simply send us your questions via e-mail.

Exclusive Workshops & Short Trainings

The Alumni & Career Center of the St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences organises attractive and diverse seminars for graduates and students.

Within the framework of the information event erfolgreich.bewerben taking place in spring and the karriere.netzwerk in autumn, short trainings, career talks and workshops are held free of charge for graduates and students. Dates and topics for the workshops are published in the Career Center on a regular basis.

pma Certification

The pma certification is an internationally recognised proof of competence in the field of project management.

Due to the great demand, the organises dates for pma certification IPMA Level D at the St. Pölten UAS. Students and graduates can participate (the certification exam must be taken within one year after graduation). The advantage is that the certification takes place directly on site (currently online) at significantly reduced examination fees.

The next certification exam takes place on 30 September 2022. More information will be available soon.


In the UAS library, relevant and up-to-date literature in the areas of “Career & Application” and “Women* & Career” is available to you free of charge even after your graduation from the UAS.

Go to library

You want to know more? Feel free to ask!
Mag. Blauensteiner Ursula

Mag. Ursula Blauensteiner

Head of Career Building and Graduate Network Center for Research and Cooperation
Willhalm Vera, BA MA

Vera Willhalm , BA MA

currently on leave Section Head Alumni Relations & Career Management
Career Building and Graduate Network