- Students
- Career Services
- founder.service
Great ideas need equally great support. Find the right partner for you here to accompany you professionally starting with the idea all the way to self-employment.
Tip: Still at the beginning? Check out the Creative Pre-Incubator – from the idea to the start-up.
riz up Niederösterreichs Gründeragentur GmbH (riz up Lower Austrian Founder Agency)
The riz up Niederösterreichs Gründeragentur GmbH supports company founders and young entrepreneurs in all questions related to self-employment and also accompanies them during their first years after founding a business.
- Area-wide and free of charge throughout Lower Austria
- For all founders and young entrepreneurs
- Advice on all questions related to starting and managing a business
- Extensive range of free seminars on the following topics:
- Business plan
- Law & funding
- Marketing
- Public relations
- Basics of commercial insurance
- Personal support on site if required
- Hub to network partners relevant for start-ups
- Leasing of office and production spaces in the RIZ centres
Mag. (FH) Robin Gerl, MBA
riz up Niederösterreichs Gründeragentur GmbH
Wirtschaftszentrum NÖ (Economic Centre Lower Austria)
Address: Niederösterreichring 2, House B, 3rd floor
3100 St. Pölten
T: +43/2742/9000 – 19366
“We guide your ideas.”
accent supports company founders with innovative and technological ideas who want to start their own business in Lower Austria. For this purpose, the founders are accompanied throughout the entire start-up phase of founding a company and can rely on comprehensive support by means of intensive consulting, financing, infrastructure and qualification.
Company founders are accompanied starting with the pre-incubation phase, in which the business concepts of the start-ups are professionally thought through and optimised. If the business concept is promising, the project will be presented to an independent advisory board and included in the active support process (incubation). In the following 18 to 24 months, the project is shaped into a successful start-up.
In addition to active coaching, the projects are also supported in the areas of funding and financing, as well as in the scientific and technical further development of their technologies.
Mag. Michael Moll
accent Inkubator GmbH
Address: Viktor-Kaplan Str. 2 / House C / 2nd floor
2700 Wiener Neustadt
T: +43/2622/90 613

Mag. Ulrike Wieländer
Section Head Young talent, innovation and start upsResearch and Knowledge Transfer