At the XR-DEV-Lab, we actively research and develop the fusion of the real environment and virtual, digital environments. We design and implement applications using virtual and augmented reality technologies as the basis for simulations, learning environments, immersive videos and serious games.

XR-DEV-Lab am Campus St. Pölten

Students and researchers work together here, which ensures a continuous transfer of knowledge. In addition to concrete development work, this also creates visions for the Metaverse.

XR-DEV-Lab am Campus St. Pölten

The latest headsets from Meta, Apple and other manufacturers are always available in the lab and for rental service. These can be used on high-performance PC hardware on site as well as mobile with gaming laptops.

Equipment im CR-DEV-Lab

Where do I find the lab and studios on Campus?

📍XR-DEV-Lab: A.3.12 – Download Navigation Guide (PDF)