We're European University


Studying at a European University

St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences is part of the European University E³UDRES². Our university leads this alliance, which includes a total of 9 higher education institutions from all over Europe. Together as E³UDRES² we work closely to make a significant contribution in the areas of higher education, research and innovation.

E³UDRES² offers students easy access to international exchanges throughout Europe:

Events like Hackathons, I Living Labs or Bootcamps give you the possibility to escape your bubble, get to know people from different cultures and experience hands-on co-creation and innovation.

This program of excellence of the European Union also provides numerous possibilities for easy short-term mobilities which will add international experience to your CV. All formats are open for our students - regardless of degree programme or background.

You can find more info on the E³UDRES² website


This is E³UDRES²

E³UDRES² stands for “Engaged and Entrepreneurial European University as Driver for Smart and Sustainable European Regions” and promotes the development of small and medium-sized cities and their rural environments into smart and sustainable European regions, and also explore how universities will work in the future.

E³UDRES² integrates challenge-based education, mission-oriented research, human-centred innovation as well as open and engaged knowledge exchange as interrelated core areas and aims to establish an exemplary multi-university campus across Europe.

It all starts with a challenge

The times of traditional teacher-student settings are over, at least in E³UDRES²: By developing innovative, challenge-based educational formats that break up the role norms, E³UDRES² gives participants the chance to collaborate in all-new ways.

Formats like Hackathons, I Living Labs or Bootcamps give educators and learners the possibility to work together in novel ways, finding solutions to real-life challenges handed in by regional stakeholders – and through this help develop their regions.

Research with & for Society

E³UDRES² has formed three research networks to investigate pressing topics that will impact our future. Research is crucial in the development of Future Universities and Smart & Sustainable Regions – while the research in E³UDRES² considers regional inputs, the European scale and character is always retained.

The E³UDRES² European University Alliance is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union and additionally financed by national Erasmus+ funds in the OeaD-GmbH.

You can find more info on the E³UDRES² website


You want to know more? Feel free to ask!
Mauthner Ramona, BA

Ramona Mauthner , BA

Visual Design and Communications Management E³UDRES²
Center for Research and Cooperation
Mag. Permoser Gabriele

Mag. Gabriele Permoser

Head of
Center for Research and Cooperation
Head of Service Unit
Research and Knowledge Transfer
Center for Research and Cooperation