Incoming Exchange/Erasmus Students
Welcome to the St. Pölten UAS!
These international students shared their experience of their #timeofmylife:
iLab – Developing Solutions to Real-Life Problems
Orin D'Hauwer worked together with other departments here in St. Pölten. It ended with birdsong and a green oasis on our campus. How came that?
Learn more about Orin's interdisciplinary project semester.
Hiking and Fighting Cybercrime
Anosh Iqbal combined his love of travelling with an IT Security internship at the St. Pölten UAS.
Read more about Anosh’s internship experience in St. Pölten.
“When you live abroad everything is new!”
Sara Velasco Basurto from Spain enjoyed her year abroad at the St. Pölten UAS to the fullest – despite the COVID-19 restrictions.
Read more about Saras two semesters at our UAS.
“Grüß Gott” Instead of “Moin”
Johannes Schmidt is the first student to benefit from the dual degree programme offered by the St. Pölten UAS and HAW Hamburg
Read the full article on Johannes’ study experience in the UAS’ future magazine
Studying Abroad in Times of COVID-19
These exchange students made a brave step when coming to St. Pölten during the pandemic – and found plethora of things to do.
Join Yevgenia, Aneta, Gloriia, Viktoria, Christopher and Sara for a feature of the St. Pölten UAS’ very own TV channel c-tv.
Lots of Travelling and the First Lockdown
Lia Salimova from Baku, Azerbaijan, came to Austria as part of her studies in Germany.
Lia had managed to see quite a lot of Austria before public life was shut down with the onset of the pandemic. Read more here.
Glad she came the long way
For Melissa Baird it was the first time being outside of the United States and she's glad she came the long way.
Find out what blew her away in St. Pölten and more on Melissas blog.
Naomi was not bored at all
Although it started with confusion Dutch student Naomi Melchers really enjoyed her stay.
Enjoy Naomis blogs and prepare yourself for fun:
- Knock confusion
- The legendary student guide of St. Pölten
- Salzburg: Mozart, Mountains and More.
- Pretty and Precious Prague
Useful tips
- Incoming Student Guide: Find all information about your stay
- We recommend you to attend a German course at our university
- Study in Austria: Check out useful tips and more
- Interdisciplinary Lab (iLab): Take part and work on real solutions in an international team
- Gender & Diversity Management: Information for students with children, disability or chronic illness

Natalie Doyle , BA
International Mobility CoordinatorInternational Office