Applicants with international documents seeking to pursue an international degree may find the following information on this website:
- Admission procedure: You learn how the application procedure works and which documents are required.
- Study contract: After successful admission, the study contract can be drawn up.
- Admission to a study programme: Once the contract has been concluded and your original documents have been processed, you may enrol in your study programme.
- Tuition fee
- Info point: Useful information for studying at the St. Pölten UAS plus general information on studying in Austria
Easing of admission requirements for persons of Ukrainian nationality:
For the summer semester 2025/winter semester 2025/26, we have decided to facilitate the admission procedure for applicants with Ukrainian nationality and admission documents:
- Waiver of the deposit in the amount of EUR 200.00 for the review of documents
- Lack of proof of German language proficiency (B2) - if the applicant has knowledge of German, the level can be determined within the framework of the admission procedure
- Proof of a valid residence permit in Austria has to be submitted by the beginning of the first semester.
- If the applicant has a valid residence permit for “Vertriebene” (displaced persons), the general application deadlines apply instead of the deadlines for third-country nationals.
Admission Procedure
A complete upload of the documents (certificates) listed below is absolutely necessary to enable the processing of your online application to the admission procedure. After positive completion of the admission procedure and conclusion of the educational contract, the original documents have to be submitted personally. Further explanations regarding the documents can be found in this checklist.
1. Passport (proof of identity)
Applicants must prove their identity to the St. Pölten UAS by scanning and uploading a valid passport.
If the applicant makes credible that a passport scan cannot be uploaded within a reasonable time period or only with great difficulties, the St. Pölten UAS accepts other proofs of identity:
- a passport expired no more than five years ago
- proof of citizenship
- a driving licence
- an identity card
- a residence permit in accordance with the Asylum Act (AsylG) or the Settlement and Residence Act (NAG)
2. General Admission Requirements
Bachelor Degree Programmes
Pursuant to Section 4(4) of the University of Applied Sciences Studies Act (FHG), the general admission requirements for a bachelor degree programme at a university of applied sciences are:
- the general university entrance qualification or
- a relevant professional qualification.
General University Entrance Qualification
The general university entrance qualification has to be proved by one of the following documents (Section 4(5) University of Applied Sciences Studies Act):
- an Austrian school-leaving certificate (Matura) including a certificate of secondary vocational education (Berufsreifeprüfung);
- another Austrian certificate of qualification for a certain group of study programmes at a university, teacher training college or university of applied sciences;
- a foreign certificate equivalent to one of the above-mentioned Austrian certificates based on:
- an international agreement or
- a nostrification or
- a decision by the Academic Director of the Austrian university of applied sciences study programme (this has to be decided for each individual case)
- a certificate of completion of at least 3 years of study at a recognised domestic or international post-secondary educational institution.
In case foreign certificates are not equivalent to an Austrian school-leaving certificate in terms of content and requirements, the Academic Director shall prescribe supplementary examinations that are necessary to establish an equivalence with the domestic school-leaving examination and which shall be passed prior to admission.
Relevant Professional Qualifications
Evidence of relevant professional qualifications may be e.g.:
- School-leaving certificate of a lower-level vocational secondary school (BMS)
- certificate of apprenticeship
- certificate of completion for training programmes in health care professions
- certificate on the German entrance qualification for universities of applied sciences
Further information can be found on the website of the respective study programme.
Master Degree Programmes
The general admission requirements for a master degree programme at a university of applied sciences are:
- completion of a relevant bachelor degree programme at a university of applied sciences, or
- completion of an equivalent study programme at an accredited Austrian or foreign post-secondary educational institution with least 180 ECTS credits and a duration of at least six semesters.
- This is an educational institution offering degree programmes lasting for at least six semesters which requires the general university entrance qualification and which is recognised as a postsecondary educational institution according to the legal regulations of the country in which it is domiciled.
- In case that equivalence has been established basically and only certain supplementary qualifications are required for full equivalence, the programme director is entitled to tie the determination of equivalence to examinations to be taken during the Master’s programme
Please check whether you need a diplomatic authentication. You might also need a translation:
Diplomatic Authentication
- Please check whether you need an authentication by searching (use the search function “Ctrl+F”) for the state whose authorities issued your documents in the latest authentication list for universities (Legalization of Foreign Documents in Higher Education) of the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research.
- If you do not need an authentication, please continue reading in the section “Translation”. Otherwise you can find all information regarding your authentication here.
If no agreement on exemption from authentication has been concluded between Austria and the country where the certificate was issued, foreign certificates need the necessary diplomatic authentications.
As a rule, we can only accept documents that fulfil all requirements pertaining to authentication and translation. We might waive the obligation to present certain individual documents (or authentications) if applicants can demonstrate that they are unable to submit the above-mentioned documents (or authentications) within a reasonable time or only with disproportionately great difficulty, and the other submitted documents are sufficient to make a decision. For example, persons entitled to asylum do not need to have their documents authorised in the state they fled from.
CAUTION: You are advised to obtain any diplomatic authentications in person in the country where the official document was issued. If you are in Austria and you want to obtain a diplomatic authentication from another country, you might need a representative in the country where the official document was issued to obtain the diplomatic authentication for you on location.
There are three types of authentication:
- exemption from any authentication
- apostille
- full diplomatic authentication
The authorisation of official documents from some countries is suspended (see Suspension of Authorisation Requirements).
Exemption from Authentication
Official documents from countries which have concluded a bilateral agreement on abolishing the requirement of authorisation are exempt from any authentication.
Official documents from the contracting states of the Hague Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents (“Hague Apostille Convention“), Federal Law Gazette no 27/1968, do not require full diplomatic authentication if they have an apostille, e. g. for documents from these countries the authorisation in the form of the Apostille is sufficient.
Full Diplomatic Authentication
Full diplomatic authentication is required for any country that Austria has not concluded a bilateral agreement on abolishing the requirement of authorisation with, and that is no contracting state of the Hague Apostille Convention:
- first step: authorisation through the responsible ministry (e.g. Ministry of Education) of the country of origin
- second step: additional authentication through the Foreign Ministry of the country of origin
- third step: Austrian diplomatic representation authority in the country of origin
Suspension of Authentication Requirements
The authentication of documents issued by certain states may be suspended by the Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs when it is not possible to guarantee the reliable verification of the genuineness, substantial accuracy or correctness of the content of these documents. For the time of the suspension, documents from these states are subject to free assessment of evidence. This is currently the case for the following states:
The applicants have to upload authorised translations of foreign-language certificates.
In principle, the original certificate should already be complete with all necessary authentication seals so that these can be translated together with the certificate. The translation has to be firmly attached to the original certificate or a certified copy thereof.
If the translation has been produced by a court-certified translator officially registered in Austria, it requires no additional authentication.
Translations of foreign certificates carried out abroad also have to come from court-certified translators officially registered in the respective country. When it comes to authentication regulations, they are to be treated the same as foreign original certificates, which means they are subject to the authentication modalities of the country where the translation was produced. However, as the country where the translation was produced does not necessarily have to be the country where the original certificate was issued, it is possible that different authentication regulations may apply to the original certificate and the translation.
3. Proof of Required Language Skills
1. Knowledge of the German Language
To study at the St. Pölten UAS, applicants are required to provide and upload evidence of their knowledge of German at least at level B2 (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages ) when registering for the application process – based on recommendations of the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research.
In particular, the following documents are accepted as proof of sufficient knowledge of the German language:
- School or recognised post-secondary education institution:
- German as subject in the school-leaving examination process
- completion of a German-speaking secondary school
- completion of compulsory schooling up to 9th grade at a German-speaking school
- completion of a German study programme of at least 3 years at a recognised domestic or international post-secondary educational institution (university, private university, university of applied sciences, teacher training college university of education)
- Certificates:
- Austrian language certificate – certificate B2
- Goethe Institute: Goethe certificate B2
- Pre-studies programme at the University of Vienna, the University of Graz, and Montanuniversität Leoben, or another university – supplementary German examination
- certificate of German language examination from a university (according to Section 28 General University Study Law (AHStG), Federal Law Gazette (BGBI.) no. 177/1966, as amended)
- German as a foreign language examination (Test DaF) with completion of level 4 or higher in all parts
- German language certificate of the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education from the federal states of Germany (BRD) (“Second Level“)
- German Language Examination for University Entrance of Foreign Applicants (DSH)
- Language centre of an Austrian university, private university, university of education – B2.
The St. Pölten UAS may in certain cases (e.g. German as a school subject but not as an examination subject in the school-leaving exam).
- recognise other evidence of language skills or
- determine the level of German language proficiency within the framework of an admission procedure.
2. Proof of Other Language Competencies Required
If a certain knowledge of other languages (usually level B2) is required for a certain degree programme, applicants have to provide evidence in the form of the respective certificates (e.g. school-leaving certificate).
4. Study Programme-Specific Documents
Informationen on further necessary documents to be uploaded (letter of motivation etc.) can be found in the item „How to Apply" of the respective study programme.
5. For Third-Country Nationals: Deposit for the Evaluation of Documents
Applies to Applications from Persons outside the EU / EEA Area
Please note: Study applicants who:
- are nationals of a third country AND
- have obtained the necessary admission requirements in a third country
are required to pay a deposit in the amount of EUR 200.
Process: You are sent a payment request via e-mail or a message in the online application tool. We will only evaluate your application documents after receipt of the full deposit.
Please note: Complete the online application process in due time in order to be able to finish all necessary steps (including the transfer of the deposit) by the end of the application period (winter semester: 28/02/2025; summer semester: 31/08/2025). We recommend doing this at least 2 weeks before the deadline.
Please also refer to the deposit regulations in the Terms and Conditions (download PDF).

Copyright: Foto Kraus
The Study Contract
The link to complete the study agreement will be sent electronically. By ticking the box within 14 days, the agreement is finalised between you and St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences, serving as a prerequisite for admission to your studies. Once you accept the study agreement, you will receive a confirmation of admission, officially enrolling you as a student. You have the right to withdraw from the study agreement free of charge within 14 days of receiving the confirmation of admission.
Admission to a Study Programme
After the contract has been concluded, you will be sent a date via email for the review of the complete general admission requirements on the basis of the original documents (invitation to enrolment).
The students have to bring originals or certified copies of the following documents to the assigned enrolment date:
- Passport for identification
- Proof of general admission requirements
- Evidence of the necessary language skills (knowledge of German and/or other language skills required)
- Evidence of any positively completed additional examinations prescribed pursuant to Section 4 (6) Universities of Applied Sciences Studies Act
The applicant has to present authorised translations of foreign-language certificates. Foreign certificates have to feature the necessary diplomatic authentication.
Study Fee and Students’ Union (ÖH) Fee
The study fee for bachelor and master degree programmes currently amounts to EUR 363.36 (§ 2 (2) University of Applied Sciences Act, FHG) + the Students’ Union (ÖH) fee (see below). The obligation to pay the study fee arises when signing the Study Contract.
In addition, every student is to pay a fee (“ÖH-Beitrag”: in the present amount of EUR 25.20) to the Austrian Students’ Union, which is collected by the St. Pölten UAS (see § 38 Student Union Act 2014).
When it comes to students from third countries who hold a residence permit for students pursuant to § 64 Settlement and Residence Act (NAG, in German), Federal Law Gazette I no. 100/2005, and who are no nationals of the EEA countries Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, or Switzerland, and do not belong to a group of persons according to § 1 Personengruppenverordnung 2014 – PersGV 2014, Federal Law Gazette II no. 340/2013, the St. Pölten UAS reserves the right to collect cost-covering fees.
Pursuant to this entitlement, third-country nationals pay a study fee in the amount of EUR 1,500.00 plus the ÖH fee. Students holding a different residence permit (e.g., “permanent residence – EU”, “family member”, “Rot-Weiß-Rot-Karte”, “Rot-Weiß-Rot-Karte plus”, etc.) pay only EUR 363.36 per semester. Applicants are to prove their residence status by uploading the certificate in the online application tool.
Once you have paid the ÖH fee, you are a member of the Austrian Students’ Union (with active and passive voting rights) and are covered by accident and liability insurance.
Further information:
Info Point:
Useful information for studying at the St. Pölten UAS
Studying in Austria
Entry, Residence and Employment
Please note:
- before entering Austria – the relevant regulations for foreign nationals regarding visa and residence permit
- upon arrival in Austria – the regulations on registering at the place of residence, and as a Swiss or EEA national – the certificate of registration or the permanent residence certificate and the provisions of the Act Governing the Employment of Foreign Nationals.
Austrian Exchange Service