An Open Campus St. Pölten for the Region

Magazine on Campus Opening and Anniversary

In the 15th edition of its magazine “future”, the St. Pölten UAS explores the benefits of maintaining close ties to the region, introduces the new Campus St. Pölten as a place for coming together, and demonstrates why provincial areas play a key role at the European level as well. 

Universities are vital players in a knowledge-based society. “There are manifold ways how we as a university of applied sciences engage with the business world, the institutions, and the wider public in the region. We can all benefit greatly from each other. This is why we make a conscious effort to promote this exchange and place great emphasis on strengthening sustainable regions at the European level”, says Gernot Kohl, Executive Director of the St. Pölten UAS. “Our new, innovative Campus is open to everybody and provides us with all the possibilities to encourage this exchange.”

You can read the magazine’s online edition here or click here to subscribe to the print magazine for free.

Regional in Europe

Next to insights into the new campus and the diverse cooperations, the current issue is dedicated to digital humanism, interactive planning processes in higher education, and the European Higher Education Alliance ”E³UDRES² – the Engaged and Entrepreneurial European University as Driver for European Smart and Sustainable Regions“.

The magazine also presents the 25 innovative ideas for future by students, lecturers, and staff members of the St. Pölten UAS, which were submitted and awarded on the occasion of the 25th anniversary.

Magazine on Higher Education Topics

The St. Pölten UAS’ “future” magazine has been released twice a year since October 2014. Each edition features a dossier, which presents selected topics relevant to higher education such as new teaching methods, interdisciplinarity, digitalisation, and knowledge transfer.

In addition to the dossier, the magazine reports on current developments at the St. Pölten UAS in research and teaching and covers stories from the everyday lives of students and staff members.