2 min

Bringing Blockchain to the Companies

Blockchain Summit 2022 at the St. Pölten UAS

The blockchain technology is raising questions in many companies. Under the motto “Mysterium Blockchain” (the blockchain mystery), the Blockchain Summit 2022 of the St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences allowed its audience to experience the blockchains up close and answered the most urgent questions on how companies can profit from the technology.

Companies and research institutions from Lower Austria provided examples of where and how blockchains are already successfully used and how others can follow their lead.

Blockchains outside the Realm of Cryptocurrencies

This week, the St. Pölten UAS welcomed approximately 80 company representatives and other interested guests to the Blockchain Summit 2022. The audience had the opportunity to visit various stations where experts – from institutions such as the Digital Innovation Hub Ost, the Josef Ressel Center for Blockchain Technologies & Security Management at the St. Pölten UAS, and the Austrian Blockchain Center – answered all types of questions and allowed the guests to actually experience blockchains.

In a panel discussion on the topic of blockchain in Lower Austria, Klaus Pirklbauer (Austrian Blockchain Center), Eva Mairhofer-Kraus (infinite trust digital GmbH), Sabine Walch (Capacity), and Stephan Schmidt (Salamantex) engaged in lively exchange.

In this context, the visitors learnt about the many areas besides cryptocurrencies – such as supply chain, the wine and car trades, certifications, and even crypto stamps – in which blockchains are already used on a daily basis. It was also determined in the discussion that Austrian plays a leading role in Europe when it comes to this topic.

“Every year, our Blockchain Summit is an opportunity for researchers, network partners, and companies to exchange views and experiences and learn about the state of the art in blockchain technology. With our work in networks, projects, ad research centres, the St. Pölten UAS is also a hub in terms of the secure use of blockchains in companies”, says Franz Fidler, Head of the St. Pölten UAS’ Department of Media and Digital Technologies.

Blockchains up Close

Stations hosted by companies and research institutions invited the visitors to become familiar and experiment with the technology, while company representatives demonstrated best practice example from Lower Austrian businesses.

These were the exhibitors: ABC Research GmbH, Josef Ressel Center for Blockchain Technologies & Security Management, Institute of IT Security Research (St. Pölten UAS), Institute of Creative\Media/Technologies – Digital Technologies Research Group (St. Pölten UAS), Institute for Innovation Systems (St. Pölten UAS), Fotec – Forschungs- und Technologietransfer GmbH, Institute for Accounting & Auditing (WU Wien), DLT Austria, Capacity Blockchain Solutions GmbH, infinite trust digital GmbH, Salamantex GmbH, international examples | FeatureCloud-Project, RockLogic GmbH, Austrian National Bank (OeNB), Chamber of Commerce Austria (WKO), and “ecoplus – die Wirtschaftsagentur des Landes Niederösterreich”.

The event was held in cooperation with the DIHOST – Digital Innovation Hub Lower Austria / Vienna / Burgenland and its partners. The DIHOST is promoted by the Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs within the framework of the programme “Digital Innovation Hub in Austria”.

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FH-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Fidler Franz

FH-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Franz Fidler

Head of Faculty of Engineering and Business Academic Director Digital Design (MA) Academic Director Digital Media Management (MA) Academic Director Digital Media Production (MA) Academic Director Interactive Technologies (MA) Member Extended University Leadership Course Leader Digital Future Management (certif.) Department of Media and Digital Technologies