European University Enters Next Phase

E³UDRES²: An Alliance of 9 European Universities

On 1 October, the European University Alliance E³UDRES² enters its second phase: The main focus is on intensifying and expanding the existing cooperation of the now nine partner universities throughout Europe.

Until 2027, the EU Commission will support the network with funding amounting to 14.4 million euros.

With a successful start and the constant expansion of the alliance, the St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences was able to convince the EU Commission: The European University Alliance E³UDRES² of the St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences, which has existed since 2020, has been extended until 2027. “With the extension, we can make a significant contribution to strengthening the European higher education, research, and innovation area. Our alliance is seen as a best practice example in the European higher education area – so we are particularly pleased to be starting the second phase with this confirmation,” says Hannes Raffaseder, Lead Coordinator of E³UDRES² and CEO of the St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences.

European university for more than 100,000 students

Start in 2020

After the launch of the university alliance in 2020, numerous universities from all over Europe applied to join E³UDRES². In spring 2022, the network was finally expanded to include Fulda University of Applied Sciences (Germany) and Saxion University of Applied Sciences (Netherlands), with Jamk University of Applied Sciences (Finland) added in late summer 2022.

2023: second phase

With the start of the next phase of the alliance, all nine partners are now equally on board. Over 100,000 students can benefit from the network's diverse activities as well as the numerous opportunities for mobility and intercultural exchange of experiences – approximately 70% more than those studying in the entire Austrian university of applied sciences sector. The jointly achieved increase in quality also benefits students and employees.

An intensive partnership will be developed over the next few years with six further universities from Ukraine, the Republic of Kosovo, and Albania. In addition, 36 business networks, business agencies, NGOs, and other regional stakeholders contribute as associated members to the establishment and expansion of the E³UDRES² Alliance as a particularly socially committed and entrepreneurial European university to strengthen regionally anchored innovation ecosystems with networks at the European level.

With the start of the next phase of the alliance, the focus areas and research networks will also be expanded around the topics of

  • “Health, Wellbeing, and Social Inclusion”,
  • “Digital Solutions & (Applied) Deep Tech”,
  • “Resilient Economy & Innovation”, and
  • “Creative Industries for Regions’ Identity”.

In addition, new joint degrees, joint PhD programmes, centres of excellence for research, innovation hubs for collaboration with start-ups and leading companies, and an expansion of activities for and with society are planned. “We have already founded a joint supporting organisation in St. Pölten and are therefore the first European University Alliance with its own legal status and headquarters in St. Pölten. With the new structures, we will coordinate the strategic developments of the participating universities even better and further develop them together in order to take big steps closer to the common goal of establishing a fully-fledged European university in the next few years,” said Raffaseder.

E³UDRES² Forum 2023

The successful completion of the first phase was duly celebrated as part of the “E³UDRES² Forum 2023: Connecting European Universities & Regions”, which took place from 18 to 19 September at the St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences. International experts such as

  • Vanessa Debiais-Sainton (Head of Unit Higher Education, Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture, European Commission),
  • Raffaele Trapasso (Senior Economist at the OECD), and
  • Gerald Bast (long-time Rector of the University of Applied Arts Vienna)

contributed their expertise through keynote speeches as part of the event. Various other guests including Melinda Macho (Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research), Florian Krumböck (Member of the Lower Austrian State Parliament), and Harald Ludwig (Deputy Mayor of the City of St. Pölten) congratulated the network on the successes of the last few years.

At the same time, the forum was used to put the plans in more concrete terms and to further develop the alliance until 2027. “The diversity of the participants including students, university experts, entrepreneurs, urban developers, ministers, and economic experts showed the strength of our international network. We have already implemented exciting projects and formats together so far – this constructive cooperation will be intensified in the next four years," says Michal Karpíšek, Senior Policy Officer for E³UDRES² at the St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences.

About E³UDRES²

E³UDRES² stands for “Engaged and Entrepreneurial European University as Driver for European Smart and Sustainable Regions” and brings together universities from small to medium-sized cities across Europe with a particular focus on regional anchoring.

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FH-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Raffaseder Hannes

FH-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Hannes Raffaseder

Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Mauthner Ramona, BA

Ramona Mauthner , BA

Visual Design and Communications Management E³UDRES²
Center for Research and Cooperation
Mag. Hammer Mark

Mag. Mark Hammer

Section Head Press
Marketing and Communications