Gender & Diversity Awards 2024 awarded

Three theses related to gender and diversity honored

On November 26, 2024, we presented the Gender & Diversity Awards at the St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences as part of the International Week. The focus was on outstanding academic theses dealing with the topics of gender and diversity.

The finalists presented their projects in three minutes - with topics ranging from feminist documentaries to inclusive language and design for visually impaired people. The high relevance of gender and diversity perspectives in all areas of research became clear.

The prizes, endowed with 500 euros each, were awarded in three categories:

  • Bachelor theses (St. Pölten UAS)
  • Master theses (St. Pölten UAS)
  • Theses from E³UDRES² partner universities

Winners of the Gender & Diversity Awards 2024

  • Bachelor thesis category: Johanna Maria Weingartner – „Auswirkungen von inklusiver Sprache in der Werbung auf das Markenimage“ (on the impact of inclusive language in advertising on brand image)
  • Master thesis category: Barbara Müller – „Das weibliche Böse – alt, hässlich, trivial? Analyse der Antagonistinnen in Disney-Animationsfilmen von 1937 bis 2022“ (an analysis of female antagonists in Disney's animated films) 
  • E³UDRES² category: Ioana Antonia Tanase – „Comparative Analysis of Intuitive Design Perception between Visually Impaired and Sighted Individuals“

Barbara Müller showed impressive solidarity by sharing her prize with other finalists. Johanna Maria Weingartner announced that she would donate her winnings to a charitable organization.

Inspiring keynote and a look into the future

Iketina Danso, an expert in diversity, equity and inclusion, explained the concept of intersectionality in a keynote speech and called for it to be actively translated into action.

The poet and director of the Black Women's Community recited a poem about Marsha P. Johnson, an important activist in the Stonewall Riots of 1969 in the USA. Danso reminded the audience of important social movements and how diverse struggles for justice can be.

She thanked the students for their work and encouraged them to continue their commitment.


The winners will soon be presenting their research in more detail on Campus and City Radio St. Pölten. Congratulations to all of them!