Learning about Photography from the Best
New Further Education Programme Digital Photography & New Visual Media MA

The new and application-oriented master-degree further education programme imparts knowledge of digital image creation with a focus on state-of-the-art technical application areas from the field of new visual media such as moving images, cinemagraphs, and augmented reality.
The students of this programme acquire sound technical and image design basics. Systematic personal coaching promotes the development of an individual and application-centred visual language that embraces experimentation. Prospective students can apply until 15 January.
Learning from Professionals
“The participants of this programme learn directly from experts who are active in the fields of photography and new visual media themselves. On their path towards defining their personal visual language, the students examine the medium of photography in all its facets and learn to use it in a purposeful manner. The aim is for the students to develop artistic and technical photography skills to distinguish themselves from the daily flood of images through their distinct imaging”, explains Rita Newman, Head of the Further Education Programme.
The Changing World of Photography
Microstock agencies with millions of online photographs available on demand, smartphone photography, and the simplification and interconnection of digital workflows have made photographic images omnipresent. The supply is growing faster than the demand, and the pressure to remain competitive and produce efficiently are rising. Also, the boundaries to other image-creating media have become more permeable. Photography applications are now active at a multimedia level in terms of both creation and communication.
As a consequence, the profession of commercial photography is subject to strong quality and innovation pressures. This master-degree further education programme provides the necessary access and tools to prepare future professionals for new working worlds.
In addition to teaching the traditional, camera-based exposure technology in connection with lighting, image design principles, image conception, and creativity techniques, the students learn about state-of-the-art possibilities of image-creating design and applications. The term “new visual media” is located at these interface – “new” refers to digital imaging technologies and the latest developments in the field of visual culture that are subject to a process of constant adaptation.
Technology, Methods, Leadership, and Social Competence
Apart from the technical and professional expertise and practicable methods, the further education programme also teaches its students the necessary leadership skills for the mediating and coordinating role of photographers at the interface of clients, models, agencies, and media. Further training contents include social competencies, for example for the presentation of contents and the communication with models, clients, and team members. The programme strengthens the students’ ability to present themselves as well as professional contents, to engage in constructive teamwork, and to act in a professional manner.
The master-degree further education programme is aimed at graduates of certified trainings of several years with a focus on photography, and at qualified photographers looking for an in-depth training in professional photography, digital media, and photography theories within the framework of their professional activity.