Making Companies Fit for Data Science

First Workshops of Data Science Bootcamp at St. Pölten UAS

The Data Science Bootcamp of the St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences turns employees of partner companies into digital professionals and trains them to become data scientists within nine weeks. The first workshops were recently launched at the UAS.

“The shortage of skilled experts in the IT area is very pronounced – which makes it even more important to give new impulses in education and further training. With the bootcamp and our expertise, we give companies the opportunity to train their staff to become digital professionals. They acquire skills that will become increasingly sought-after in future”, says Marlies Temper, Project Head of the Data Science Bootcamp.

Data Scientist Training

The objective of the Data Science Bootcamp is to turn the participants into data scientists over a period of nine weeks. In this context, they learn how to collect, process and analyse data. Under the auspices of the St. Pölten UAS, staff members of eight companies receive a comprehensive IT education. The recently launched workshops feature both on-site and distance learning components.

The future data scientists will know how to evaluate whether and which artificial intelligence processes should be used in order to achieve the best possible models and results. Topics taught within the framework of the bootcamp include basic statistics, database technologies, Big Data and artificial intelligence.

The St. Pölten UAS offers future-oriented education programmes in the fields of Data Science and IT Security and maintains close ties with the business realm. The Data Science Bootcamp serves to further intensify the knowledge transfer between the university and the companies – with advantages for the research sector, the industry and the students.

Data Science Bootcamp

The Data Science Bootcamp is financed by the Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs within the framework of the pilot call “Digital Pro Bootcamps” of the programme “Forschungskompetenzen für die Wirtschaft”.

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FH-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Mag. Temper Marlies, Bakk.

FH-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Mag. Marlies Temper , Bakk.

Academic Director Data Intelligence (MA) Academic Director Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (BA) Deputy Head of Department Continuing Education Officer Department for Computer Science and Security Member of the UAS Board from 2023 to 2026 Department of Computer Science and Security