More Holiday Childcare Places Offered in 2024

More Holiday Childcare Places Offered in 2024

How we support you in combining working/studying and parenting.

As a reaction to the increased demand, we expanded this year’s programme to better meet the needs of parents and children.

  1. Longer childcare periods: We now offer four weeks of childcare – during the week before Easter and in three weeks during the summer holidays.
  2. More capacities: We increased the number of childcare places from 15 to 40. Our Executive Board reacted quickly to meet the rise in demand.

This offer is targeted at the children of employees of the St. Pölten UAS and the Bertha von Suttner Private University. Remaining places are opened to children of our students.

Getting to Know the Campus

In the three weeks of the summer holiday childcare, the children, aged from 3 to 11 years, experienced a diverse programme.

  • In the Future Lab, the employees of Kinderfreunde welcomed the children. Next to an excursion to the playground, the children joined a colourful crafts, drawing, dancing and circus programme.
  • In the Performance Lab, Phillip Greimel offered a movement programme in two groups. Everybody had fun participating in the ice-breaker activities, the Donnerwetterblitz game (an Austrian variation of Red Light Green Light) and a parkour.
  • Over the course of two days, book readings for children were held at the St. Pölten UAS’ library. We were supported by our librarian Karl Rathmanner and the initiative “Gemeinsame Lesezeit” (Time to read together) of Hilfswerks NÖ. The children could read children’s books together, on their own and explore the library.
  • Radio host Margit Wolfsberger invited the children to the Campus & City Radio Studio. The children could experience first-hand how radio is made. They even had the chance to speak live on the radio and play their favourite song.

We are happy that this offer is so popular!

Find out more about the topic: Family Friendliness and Studying as a Parent at the St. Pölten UAS