New Academic Director at the St. Pölten UAS

New Leadership for the Study Programme Management and Digital Business

As of November, Irmgard Wetzstein takes over the lead of the study programme Management and Digital Business at the Department of Business and Digital Innovation.

About Irmgard Wetzstein

Irmgard Wetzstein who earned a PhD in Communication Science will head the bachelor degree programme Management and Digital Business at the St. Pölten UAS from 1 November.

Irmgard Wetzstein has been actively involved in higher education since 2006. She taught at a number of higher education institutions including the University of Vienna, the University of Minnesota – Twin Cities, and Webster Vienna Private University. At the Institute for Media and Communications Studies of the University of Vienna, she taught and researched in the area of gender media studies and social inequality, advertising and market communications, media innovation, and alternative concepts of journalism. She has been deputy chairperson of the Austrian Society of Communication since April 2021. As Academic Director, she will be responsible for the strategic and content-related further development of the bachelor degree programme Management and Digital Business.

“I am looking forward to this opportunity to contribute to the further development of a study programme that is dedicated to the future-oriented combination of business and digital competences by integrating various disciplines and perspectives”, says Irmgard Wetzstein. “This is how we can equip graduates with the expertise they need to become future leaders and step up to their role as proactive business innovation designers.”

Bachelor Management and Digital Business

The bachelor degree programme prepares students for the technological progress and transformations in companies. A combination of business and digital competences gives the students a sound foundation for taking over various management positions in companies operating both at the national and international levels. The bachelor degree programme Management and Digital Business as well as the bachelor degree programme Marketing & Communications belong to the Department of Digital Business and Innovation. The department also offers three master degree programmes and five academic further education programmes.

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Mag. Sito Maja, BA

Mag. Maja Sito , BA

Section Head Corporate Publishing
Marketing and Communications