New Head of Degree Programme Media Technology

St. Pölten UAS Appoints New Management Personnel in Teaching and Research

The Department of Media and Digital Technologies at the St. Pölten UAS has appointed a new Academic Director of the bachelor degree programme Media Technology. With 1 February, UAS lecturer Rosa von Suess takes over as Academic Director of the study programme. In the research area, a dual leadership was instated to head the Institute of Creative\Media/Technologies.

“With Rosa von Suess, an extremely experienced lecturer, researcher, and expert with an excellent network in the Austrian media landscape takes over as head of the study programme. Media Technology is one of the flagships of the St. Pölten UAS and stands for a sound and future-oriented education in the media and communications industry”, says Franz Fidler, department head of Media & Digital Technologies at the St. Pölten UAS. “With our wide range of study programmes offered in the department, we make an important contribution to training the media experts of the future.”

Extensive Experience

Rosa von Suess has been active in various roles at the St. Pölten UAS since 2007, amongst others as a lecturer, head of the educational television programme c-tv, head of the continuing education programme Film, TV and Media, and as a researcher at the Institute of Creative\Media/Technologies. Since 2012, she has served as deputy Academic Director of the degree programme Media Technology. “The rapid developments in the media industry require us to constantly adapt our teaching content”, she says. “I am pleased to be able to contribute even more to the further development of the study programme and to take on this responsible task”, adds Rosa von Suess.

Restructuring at the Institute of Creative\Media/Technologies

In addition to the new head for the degree programme Media Technology, restructuring in the research area has also taken place in recent months.

Wolfang Aigner and Thomas Moser jointly head the Institute of Creative\Media/Technologies. Wolfgang Aigner is responsible for the areas Strategy, Internal Communication, External Communication, and Research & Teaching, Thomas Moser for Human Resources, Budget, Infrastructure, and Project Lifecycle.

Media Technology at the St. Pölten UAS

The bachelor degree programme offers universal and practice-oriented training in audio and video as well as in interactive media. In addition to the fundamentals of media technology, students acquire basic knowledge in computer science and programming, in network technology, and in mathematics, on which the advanced courses are based. Campus media, special labs, and a media technology rental service with around 5,000 high-quality devices offer the best teaching and learning opportunities.

Find out more about the bachelor degree programme Media Technology.

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FH-Prof. Mag. Dr. von Suess Rosa

FH-Prof. Mag. Dr. Rosa von Suess

Academic Director Media Technology (BA) Lecturer Course Leader Film, TV and Media - Creation and Distribution (MA) Department of Media and Digital Technologies Head of c-tv
FH-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Fidler Franz

FH-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Franz Fidler

Head of Faculty of Engineering and Business Academic Director Digital Design (MA) Academic Director Digital Media Management (MA) Academic Director Digital Media Production (MA) Academic Director Interactive Technologies (MA) Member Extended University Leadership Course Leader Digital Future Management (certif.) Department of Media and Digital Technologies