New Study Places for St. Pölten UAS

30 Additional IT Study Places Approved

Within the framework of expanding the universities of applied sciences sector, the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF) will allocate 30 new study places to the St. Pölten UAS in the degree programmes Information Security (10) and Data Science and Business Analytics (20) from the study year 2022/23.

Altogether, 347 new study places in the UAS sector will be created, with a special focus on digitalisation and the STEM disciplines.

Future Oriented Education

With a total of 30 new study places for beginners, the St. Pölten UAS is among the universities of applied sciences that have been allocated the highest number of study places.

“Our IT programmes provide forward-looking education pathways that are strongly oriented towards the needs of a labour market characterised by the digital transformation. Therefore, I am very pleased that we will be able to offer more applicants the opportunity to study at our institution from next year”, says a delighted Gernot Kohl, Executive Director of the St. Pölten UAS.

Including the 20 additional study places, the bachelor degree programme Data Science and Business Analytics will be open to 45 new students, while the master degree programme Information Security will then offer 46 new places instead of 36.

“The Academic Directors and their teams have been doing an excellent job in teaching, research and the organisation of study operations for years now and I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to them all”, emphasises Kohl. The expansions will be put into practice at the beginning of the academic year 2022/23.

For further information on the expansion of the universities of applied sciences sector in Austria, please read the following release by the BMBWF.

Securing Processes and Infrastructure

In the master degree programme Information Security, the students acquire competencies in the fields of IT infrastructure, software security, privacy, incident handling, and security management. What is more, graduates of the programme have what it takes to guarantee information security of entire systems and anchor it in companies.

As experts, they are currently in very high demand: companies need security officers, risk management specialists and security consultants.

Further information on the degree programme is available here.

Data as a Commodity of the Future

In addition to statistical and technical competencies associated with the processing and analysis of large data volumes, the bachelor degree programme Data Science and Business Analytics also offers practical and application-oriented expertise in a subject area that the students can choose individually, for example marketing, health, media, security, or production.

This knowledge is complemented by business, law and ethics content in order to ensure a broad and interdisciplinary education.

Further information on the degree programme Data Science and Business Analytics