New Study Programme Focussing on Sustainability
St. Pölten UAS Launches Master of Digital Management & Sustainability* in Autumn

In autumn 2024, the St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences will expand its range of study programmes once more: next to business know-how, the part-time master programme Digital Management & Sustainability teaches future-oriented competences and focusses on “green” and socio-ecological topics such as climate change, circular economy, energy transition, and decarbonisation. Students learn how to combine digitalisation and sustainability in a purposeful way fostering green transformation, and how to strategically think companies anew. Applications for the upcoming academic year are still possible.
Competences in Digitalisation and Sustainability
This master degree programme, which is designed independent of a particular industry, attaches particular importance to conveying professional competences in the fields of management and strategy, digitalisation and innovation, and sustainability.
“The students benefit from a practice-oriented business education teaching profound digitalisation and sustainability competences that will be decisive for the future. Those competences already form an important foundation for a future-oriented management career in companies, institutions, or in the public sector. Our graduates will accompany and support companies of all sectors and sizes in the fields of ecological transition, innovation, sustainability, digitalisation, and green transformation”, explains Academic Director Monika Kovarova-Simecek.
Various possibilities to specialise allow students to shape their studies according to their personal interests, select individual focus areas, and gain an in-depth understanding of the fields of business process and strategy, CSR and ESN management, and digital project and innovation management.
Get informed and apply now!
Prospective students may receive further information on the new study programme at the next online info.event on 16 May.
Applying for the study programme is still possible until 20 May.
Further New Study Programmes Starting in 2024/25
The St. Pölten UAS‘ range of study programmes is constantly expanding in response to the current demands of society and the labour market.
In the academic year of 2024/25, a total of four new or revised programmes are offered:
- Bachelor Social Pedagogy*
- Master Digital Media Management* (newly oriented)
- Master Digital Management & Sustainability*
- Master Gamified Reality Applications for Real-world Challenges and Experiences (GRACE) (planned study programme)
It is still possible to apply for all study programmes.
*subject to accreditation by AQ Austria.