Preventing falls in old age: new findings on dynamic balance control

New study on strategies older adults use to maintain dynamic balance while walking.

One third of the elderly population falls every year, which increases the risk of further falls by 60% and can lead to significant health, social and financial problems. To avoid falling when walking, precise balance control is crucial. Foot placement and internal joint moments play a particularly important role here.

 A study by the Center for Digital Health and Social Innovation (CDHSI), led by Tarique Siragy, examined in detail the strategies used by older adults to maintain dynamic balance when walking.

To this end, the dynamic balance behavior of fourteen elderly people over the age of 60 and sixteen younger adults was examined using 3D instrumented gait analysis. The results show that older adults use different strategies to maintain balance than younger people. These results contribute to a better understanding of how balance behavior during walking changes with age. They also help to develop more targeted interventions to reduce the risk of falls and improve mobility and quality of life in older adults.

More about the study here.