School Pupils Gain Insights into Research

FFG Summer Internships at the St. Pölten UAS

The Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) finances summer internships at educational institutions to give young people valuable insights into the realm of research. In July and August 2024, researchers of the St. Pölten UAS once more used this offer of the FFG and allowed eleven pupils to look behind the scenes of research.

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These were the topics of the research projects they addressed:

  • Necessary steps for the establishment of national reserves to ensure basic supply despite exceptional circumstances in crisis scenarios such as blackouts
  • Further development of digital aids/tools and teaching materials for social work methods of network diagnostics and biographical diagnostics
  • Expansion of the range of functions of vacuuming robots to be used as emergency systems in people’s homes, e.g., to call for help when a person falls
  • Research on possibilities for recording and using the (close to) real-time position and status data of means of transport, tools, and charge carriers in companies (asset tracking)
  • Exploration of communication strategies on climate change from various angles
  • Raising awareness for sustainable mobility in a citizen science project with young people
  • Analysis and visualisation of data from the Campus Radio’s music database 

With these internships, the St. Pölten UAS allows the participating pupils to gain valuable experiences for their future and wants to encourage them to pursue a career in science and research.

You want to know more? Feel free to ask!
Dr. Koppensteiner Markus

Dr. Markus Koppensteiner

Research Website and Reporting
Research and Knowledge Transfer
Center for Research and Cooperation
Mag. Permoser Gabriele

Mag. Gabriele Permoser

Head of
Center for Research and Cooperation
Head of Service Unit
Research and Knowledge Transfer
Center for Research and Cooperation