Science Ambassadors at the St. Pölten UAS

Awakening Young People’s Interest in Science

Federal Minister of Education, Science and Research Martin Polaschek recently presented the Science Ambassadors: personalities from the world of science and research who visit schools with the purpose of actively strengthening young people’s confidence in science and democracy.

Three of these Ambassadors are researchers of the St. Pölten UAS:

The Science Ambassadors’ mission is to convey their enthusiasm for their own research areas and for science in general to school pupils.

The project is part of the initiative “TruSD. Maßnahmen zur Stärkung des Vertrauens in Wissenschaft und Demokratie“ (measures for promoting confidence in science and democracy).

Moreover, the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research supports the production and testing of teaching materials. Another objective is the development of the brief guide “Talking Science – Mit Kindern und Jugendlichen übers Forschen reden“ (talking to children and adolescents about research) as well as webinars for teachers and researchers.

Young Campus at the St. Pölten UAS

The Young Campus hosted by the St. Pölten UAS from 10 to 13 July 2023 is another opportunity for young people to get to know the world of science.

The question “What do you want from the future?” is at the centre.

The event will include exciting workshops on filmmaking, music production, and graphic and web design. The teenagers will get together in groups to work on projects with the assistance of professional UAS coaches. No prior knowledge is required.