Skills for Europe

Annual Report 2022 of the St. Pölten UAS

With the beginning of the new strategy period and the extension of the European higher education network E³UDRES², the St. Pölten UAS was able to take important steps towards the further development of the Campus St. Pölten in 2022. Total revenues amounting to more than 39 million EUR also meant that 2022 was a successful business year in terms of teaching, research, and knowledge transfer.

Last year, the St. Pölten UAS developed its new Strategy 2025 titled “We Contribute to Society as an Engaged University” with the involvement of lecturers, staff, and students. The six focus areas of the new strategy include emphases on student-centred teaching and learning as well as the European University St. Pölten.

For two years now, the St. Pölten UAS has been coordinating the European University Alliance E³UDRES². The Entrepreneurship & Innovation Network for Smart and Sustainable European Regions (E.I.N.S.) initiated by E³UDRES² was added in 2022. “As a European University, we recognise and promote potentials in the regions and extend our network of partner institutions and cooperation partners. In this way, we actively contribute to shaping the future of the European Higher Education Area”, says Hannes Raffaseder, Executive Director of the St. Pölten UAS.

The Campus St. Pölten as the Ideal Environment for Teaching and Working

In order to put students’ needs first, the St. Pölten UAS is working on concepts for making its curricula more flexible and individual. “This allows us to offer our students not only modern infrastructure but also an ideal learning environment and the best possible preparation for the fast-changing working world”, explains Johann Haag, Executive Director of the St. Pölten UAS.

Facts and Figures

With total revenues in the amount of 39.9 million EUR, 2022 was also a successful year for business. Projects in the field of research, development, knowledge transfer, and innovation accounted for 4.6 million EUR – in other words, more than ten percent of total revenues.

Student numbers developed favourably as well. 3,878 students were enrolled in the study programmes and continuing education programmes of the St. Pölten UAS in 2022, which means a plus of five percent compared to the year before.

Read the Annual Report 2022 now

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