Career² with Code & Creativity

Alumni Story: Omar & Abdelrahman Fares

Copyright: Christoph Böhm

Dressed in their signature sweaters — Omar in green and Bedo (Abdelrahman) in white — our alumni sit down to share their experiences from their time as students in the Bachelor programme Creative Computing.

They reflect on their shared journey, having attended the same school, studied the same programme, and now both working at the same company, BOC Group. As software developers, they play a key role in the evolution of business management software.

What made their studies truly special?

Global Perspective

Real-World Insights

As their academic journey unfolded, they discovered how seamlessly their education paved the way to their professional field today.

Development, Design & Innovation

    Today, the brothers and alumni are software developers at BOC Group, a leading company for business process management.

    • Omar contributes to the ADONIS team, specialising in frontend development for the company’s flagship tool. "We help businesses optimise their processes to make them more efficient and effective," he explains.
    • Meanwhile, Bedo works on the development of BOC’s Governance, Risk, and Compliance (ADOGRC) software. "I focus on improving the user interface, merging development with design to tackle compliance challenges."

    Curious how they bring together tech and creativity? Check out the video for a closer look:

    "Creative Computing isn’t just for those who want to dive deep into software development. It covers all aspects of the creative field, from web development to UX design and game design. It’s a great choice for anyone who wants to explore the creative side of computing."

    Omar and Bedo offer valuable advice for prospective students

    Looking Back and Forward

    Omar and Bedo are grateful for the knowledge they gained, the diverse perspectives they encountered, and the opportunities to collaborate - which have shaped their careers and continue to guide them today.

    "Being part of a team that supports each other, especially when you’re all working towards the same goal, is incredibly rewarding." (Omar)

      Merging creativity with problem-solving?

      Embrace Versatility: Find out how the Creative Computing programme equips you to think outside the box and develop innovative solutions for the challenges of tomorrow.

      Bachelor programme | 6 semesters | full-time 
      More about Creative Computing