10th Place Among the Best Employers in Austria

St. Pölten UAS Comes in 10th in a Ranking of the Best 300 Employers according to the Magazine “trend”

In cooperation with Statista, kununu and Xing, the magazine “trend“ presents the ranking of the 300 best employers of 2020 in Austria. We are happy to announce that we have made the 10th place!

A first impression of the survey can be found online here. The print edition of “trend” coming out on 3 April will feature a portrait of the St. Pölten UAS and an interview with our Executive Director Gernot Kohl.

Commitment to Staff Members

The St. Pölten UAS is committed to its staff members in form of several projects such as a project for company healthcare or an employer branding project which was awarded by the PRVA last year.

You want to know more? Feel free to ask!