1. Anniversary of Nursing Study Programme at Mauer

Bachelor Degree Programme Healthcare and Nursing Celebrates 1st Anniversary at Bildungscampus Mostviertel

One study programme, two locations: For a year now, the St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences has been offering its bachelor degree programme Healthcare and NursingPLUS at the Bildungscampus Mostviertel in Mauer as well. With the additional study location, the UAS strengthens the training of nurses in Lower Austria and offers prospective students the possibility to follow their calling directly in the Mostviertel region.

On 14 November 2024, the UAS celebrated the first anniversary of its nursing programme at the Bildungscampus Mostviertel in Mauer. Since the winter semester 2023/24, students of the bachelor degree programme Healthcare and NursingPLUS have been able to complete their education not only at the Campus St. Pölten, but also at the Bildungscampus Mostviertel in Mauer. Every winter semester, 24 first-semester study places are available in this location. The students benefit from both the regional proximity of their training place and the numerous advantages offered by a university of applied sciences.

“We have been here at the Bildungscampus Mostviertel for a year now. We feel very well integrated and have been warmly received by the region. Studying in Mauer means more than a new training location. It offers a dynamic space of knowledge, collaboration, and innovation where future nurses of the region receive a scientifically sound and hands-on preparation for a practice- and future-oriented career in the healthcare sector”, explain Petra Ganaus, Academic Director of the programme Healthcare and NursingPLUS, and Johannes Schirghuber, UAS lecturer at the Bildungscampus Mostviertel.

“The first year of nursing education at the location in Mauer is symbolic of the continuous development of our range of studies at the Department of Health Sciences. It shows how important it is to cater to the needs of the region and, at the same time, to exploit the innovative potential of a higher education institution in order to live up to the challenges in the healthcare sector”, says Alois Frotschnig, Chairperson of the St. Pölten UAS Board.

Reinforced Training Location

The medium-term goal is to develop synergies between the different nursing professions at the Bildungscampus Mostviertel when it comes to education and training. This is an important contribution that will help to cover the growing need for qualified professionals and further improve patient care in Lower Austria.

“We are happy to be able to offer a full-fledged nursing education here at the location in Mauer – from the medical assistant professions provided by the Bildungscampus Mostviertel to the bachelor degree programme Healthcare and Nursing carried out by the St. Pölten UAS. Together, we are trying to exploit synergies and offer the best possible education and training in order to prepare the future nursing professionals”, states Dipl. KH-BW Regina Bauer, MBA, Commercial Director of the hospital and the care and nursing centre Mauer/Amstetten.

“The Bildungscampus Mostviertel has assumed a central task that is of vital importance for the future of healthcare in Lower Austria. Thanks to the commitment of many persons involved, it was possible to successfully revitalise this historical location and to duly celebrate the first year of operation”, says Christoph Luisser, Regional Minister and Chairman of the Lower Austrian Healthcare and Social Fund (NÖGUS).

Studying Healthcare and NursingPLUS at the St. Pölten UAS

The students acquire the necessary competencies and knowledge for an activity in healthcare and nursing. With its modular structure, the study programme is based on recent scientific findings and imparts teaching contents pertaining to diagnostic, rehabilitative, and therapeutic measures for maintaining good health and preventing disease.

Additional Training: Continuing Education Programme in Preclinical Treatment and Care

100 students starting their bachelor programme “Healthcare and NursingPLUS” in the winter semester either at the Bildungscampus Mostviertel or at the Campus St. Pölten have the opportunity to complete the academic continuing education programme “Preclinical Treatment and Care” on top of their degree programme. They thus deepen their know-how in the fields of emergency management, medical diagnosis, and therapy in a clinical and preclinical setting. In this way, they acquire the professional permit for an activity as paramedic or emergency medical technician in addition to a nursing licence.

Applications for the Summer Semester 2025

The application for the summer semester 2025 is still open until 24 November 2024.
Read more about the study programme Healthcare and NursingPLUS

You want to know more? Feel free to ask!
FH-Prof. Mag. Ganaus Petra, MSc

FH-Prof. Mag. Petra Ganaus , MSc

Academic Director Healthcare and Nursing (BA) Department of Health Sciences
Lagler Sandra, BA, MA

Sandra Lagler , BA, MA

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