25 Years of Media at the St. Pölten UAS

Media in transition – ever since its foundation, the St. Pölten UAS has been a place of learning and a creative space for students to experiment

Media are omnipresent. Approximately 25 years ago, they departed on their successful journey in academia and conquered universities (of applied sciences) in the form of educational specialisations. To celebrate "25 years of media at the St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences", we place a special focus on this topic area this year.

The Journey Begins…

The story of our institution began with a media-related study programme in 1996. "So much is possible today that would have been unthinkable 25 years ago when the St. Pölten UAS was founded and welcomed its first students to the degree programme ‘Telecommunications and Media", says Franz Fidler, Head of the Department of Media and Digital Technologies.

"We now have a wide range of digital and technical tools and creative possibilities in media production at our disposal that both shape us and are shaped and further developed by us at the same time", Fidler explains.


Much has happened in the media landscape since the launch of the first study programme and the St. Pölten UAS has always been in the vanguard of this development. After all, the media-specific teaching contents have constantly been connected to technological developments, and continuously evaluated and adjusted.

Today, the UAS is a regular component of the media world and offers a number of study programmes – from Media Technology to Media Management – in which students can experiment with their talents and grow with their tasks. The range of programmes offered is also characterised by a close interconnection with in-house research activities. In one of Austria’s biggest media research institutes, the Institute for Creative\Media/Technologies, the St. Pölten UAS explores the media sector.

Time-Travelling the Media World

The media change us, while we change the media. This change is rendered visible in the video "St. Pölten UAS – 25 Years of Changing Media" (conception & production: Dritter.Akt), which was conceived by the two UAS alumni Alexander Weber and Victor Jim Moye-Noza, implemented together with the St. Pölten UAS under the auspices of Rosa von Suess, and promoted by the educational TV channel c-tv. The video premiered at this year’s Golden Wire award ceremony and takes the audience on a time journey through this ever-changing world of media.

"Media are a central component of our life realities that want to be further developed, shaped and explored. We will stay in the middle of it all", says Rosa von Suess shortly before the release. "And by ‘we’, I mean students and teachers, researchers and definitely our partners and alumni as well."

We proudly present, produced by Dritter.Akt:

St. Pölten UAS – 25 Years of Changing Media

A film full of energy that gives its audience courage and an appetite for the next 25 years – this was the high expectation for the film according to the two alumni Alexander Weber and Victor Jim Moye-Noza whose newly founded company Dritter.Akt is behind the project.

They say that another particular focus was on collaborating with other UAS alumni, a plan that turned out well: Daniel Steiner was responsible for the multifaceted image composition, while the immersive mixing comes from Gerald Hartwagner (Soundschmiede), and the futuristic VFX elements by Marco Stadler.

With its visual language, seamless transitions and appealing colouring and light situations, the film provides a fast-paced and exciting journey through the world of media and the recently opened Campus St. Pölten.

What a great way to celebrate this milestone. Here’s to the next 25 years!

You want to know more? Feel free to ask!
FH-Prof. Mag. Dr. von Suess Rosa

FH-Prof. Mag. Dr. Rosa von Suess

Academic Director Media Technology (BA) Lecturer Course Leader Film, TV and Media - Creation and Distribution (MA) Department of Media and Digital Technologies Head of c-tv
FH-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Fidler Franz

FH-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Franz Fidler

Head of Faculty of Engineering and Business Academic Director Digital Design (MA) Academic Director Digital Media Management (MA) Academic Director Digital Media Production (MA) Academic Director Interactive Technologies (MA) Member Extended University Leadership Course Leader Digital Future Management (certif.) Department of Media and Digital Technologies