33 New Study Places Approved

New Master Degree Programme Data Intelligence* Starts in Autumn 2021

In the academic year 2021/22, the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF) provides and finances 339 additional UAS beginner study places for innovative study programmes dedicated to the challenges of digitalisation as part of the further expansion of the universities of applied sciences sector. The St. Pölten UAS was awarded 33 of these study places – the second largest number of all Austrian universities of applied sciences.

New Master Data Intelligence*

The St. Pölten UAS can offer 20 new study places in the new master degree programme Data Intelligence*.The study programme teaches competencies in the field of sustainable and intelligent use of data to respond to relevant challenges of digitalisation. The study programme aims to train experts for artificial intelligence (AI) who both master advanced AI processes and can securely implement them in companies. They break new ground, find new solutions and share their ideas to ensure sustainable and comprehensive AI use in Austria. The study programme is based on the bachelor degree programme Data Science & Business Analytics.

Study Places for Bachelor Creative Computing

The bachelor degree programme Creative Computing, which will be launched in autumn, was awarded 13 beginner study places financed by the Federal Ministry. The study programme is taught in English and teaches the necessary competencies for planning, designing and programming at the interface between humans and computers.

Raising the Percentage of Women, Digitalisation, Computer science

According to information by the Federal Ministry, priority is given, on the one hand, to projects and concepts dedicated to raising the percentage of women in computer science and engineering science, and, on the other hand, to projects to compensate for the acute shortage of skilled workers in “information technology” as a field of work and an area of technology that is representing the main area of digitalisation. In addition, projects relating to interdisciplinary topics such as digitalisation and artificial intelligence at the intersection of technology and natural sciences were taken into account as well.

* subject to accreditation by the Agency for Quality Assurance and Accreditation Austria (AQ Austria)