Blockchain Summit at the St. Pölten UAS
Conference Regarding Blockchain Activities on 3 March

The Blockchain technology is one of the most important drivers of innovation in today’s digital change. Two of the most important Blockchain centers in Austria conduct their research and development at the St. Pölten UAS.
The ABC - Austrian Blockchain Center with its scientific head Alfred Taudes from the Vienna University of Economics and Business opened another location in St. Pölten – in addition to the one in Vienna. The research center combines developments for application in the industry with cutting-edge research. At the national level, the center is considered an institution of excellence and is currently one of the largest Blockchain research institutions in Europe. The St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences is an important partner in this respect.
Together with the companies SEC Consult, Capacity Blockchain Solutions and CPB Software (Austria), the St. Pölten UAS opened the Josef Ressel Center for Blockchain Technologies & Security Management last November.
Blockchain Summit
Both centers will be presented at a Blockchain Summit on 3 March at the St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences and the St. Pölten ABC location will be officially opened in the presence of political representatives. Prior to this, participants, entrepreneurs and interested parties can make use of lectures and workshops to discuss aspects such as the security and application of Blockchain technology, and receive current information on the topics.
Blockchain in the Government Programme
The topic of Blockchain also found its way into the new government programme. In the chapter titled “Zukunftstechnologien – Chancen nutzen” (Future Technologies – Seizing Opportunities), the new government emphasises that a master plan for Blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies is to be created.
To do this, the plan is to build on the existing centers of excellence in the field of Blockchain. The government programme explicitly mentions the Austrian Blockchain Center (ABC), in which the St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences is involved.
Blockchain Summit, 3 March 2020, 13:00–20:00, St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences
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