Conference: What You Hear Is What You See?
International Conference on Sonic&Music Interaction at the St. Pölten UAS

Audio Mostly is considered one of the world's leading conferences for Sonic&Music Interaction. This year, it is dedicated to the question “What you hear is what you see?”. The aim of the conference is to stimulate new ways of thinking about the interaction of our senses – with a special focus on auditory perception. From 6 to 9 September, the St. Pölten UAS will host the Audio Mostly conference for the first time, thus bringing this renowned international conference to the region.
What you hear is what you see?
To what extent can we rely on the interaction of our senses? In which contexts does our own perception lead us astray? And what happens when eyes and ears provide us with contradictory information? Can we, as researchers, designers, and musicians use such phenomena for our own purposes? With this year's conference theme, the team around Michael Iber, Conference Chair and Head of the Master Class Audio Design at the St. Pölten UAS, discusses the connections between our auditory perception, i.e. our hearing, and our other senses. The interdisciplinary format offers scientists and practitioners from the broad field of Sonic&Music Interaction the opportunity to present and discuss current research results and innovative products.
“I am particularly pleased that our Institute of Creative/Media\Technologies has been invited to host this year's Audio Mostly. This shows that the long-standing commitment of our researchers to human-computer interaction and sound&music computing as well as numerous other projects from the audio field have clearly gained presence and visibility within the scientific communities. The conference will not only be an enriching experience for the St. Pölten UAS that supports the development of our European University E³UDRES², but also for the city and the region”, emphasises Hannes Raffaseder, Chief Research and Innovation Officer of the St. Pölten UAS, who – along with Sacha Krstulovic (Music Tribe), Chris Chafe (Stanford University), and Stefania Serafin (Aalborg University) – will also contribute a keynote to the conference himself.
More Than 100 Submissions from 30 Countries
Participants from fields such as product design, acoustic information design, computer games, music, architecture, and virtual reality will once again present research results and developments designed for use in the industry, education, and entertainment. Over 100 submissions from 30 countries were evaluated by an equally large team of international reviewers. 40 scientific papers will be presented at the conference and later published in the prestigious International Conference Proceedings Series of the Association for Computer Machinery (ACM).
Kick-Off Event with Symposium and Concert
In addition to the traditional conference presentations, which will start on 7 September, this year's Audio Mostly in St. Pölten will also feature concerts, installations, workshops, and exhibitions in line with the conference topic. The event will be kicked off with the 7th AllAroundAudio Symposium on 6 September, which offers spotlight presentations as well as the opportunity for partners from the audio industry to present their innovations. The afternoon is dedicated to workshops, exhibitions, and presentations of semester projects by students of the Master Class Audio Design of the St. Pölten UAS’ master degree programme Media Production.
At 19:30, the symposium will be followed by the opening concert “Space Exploration” with Berlin-based musicians Gerriet K. Sharma and Susanne Fröhlich as well as the ensemble Studio Percussion from Graz. The event, organised in cooperation with the Music School of the City of St. Pölten, will use music as a tool to acoustically explore the impressive four-story entrance hall of the recently opened UAS building. The public concert is free of charge.
About Audio Mostly
Audio Mostly is an interdisciplinary, international conference on Sonic&Music Interaction, characterised by its unique combination of applied theory and reflexive practice. The conference takes place for the 17th time and is hosted by a different institution each year.
Audio Mostly 2022 is sponsored by the City of St. Pölten and the State of Lower Austria. Important cooperation partners are the Institute of Electronic Music and Acoustics at the Kunstuni Graz and the Music School St. Pölten.
Audio Mostly 2022
- When: 06/09–09/09/2022
- Where: St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences, Campus-Platz 1, 3100 St. Pölten
- Website:
Kick-off event
- 06/09/2022, free entry
- 14:30–18:00: Exhibition and presentation of student projects
- 19:30: Kick-off concert in cooperation with the Music School of the City St. Pölten, Aula B