Diverse Programme at Summer Childcare 2023

"Light painting", a visit to the UAS photo studio, playing, romping and handicrafts

For a total of 3 weeks per year, the St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences offers childcare during the holiday period. Staff members of the St. Pölten UAS and the Bertha von Suttner Private University can make use of the free childcare service for 3- to 10-year-olds.

Eventful Visit to c-tv

Within the framework of the childcare programme in the summer of 2023, the children had the opportunity to visit c-tv and try out the photo studio for themselves. Equipped with various colourful lights, they were able to create “light paintings” and, with the support of Johannes Winkler and Felix Blasinger, produce many surreal images. 

Kinder malen mit Licht

Great Offer for Children

In addition to these visits, the children experienced a versatile and enjoyable childcare programme, organised by Kinderfreunde Lower Austria. The activities on the agenda included playing together, running around, and engaging in arts and crafts. They even had an “airplane” competition, where they crafted their own paper propellers.

This way, the children had the opportunity to become familiar with their parents’ workplace and get a first taste of the campus atmosphere.

The St. Pölten UAS is striving to achieve the certificate 'hochschuleundfamilie' that attests to the optimal reconciliation of career opportunities and family needs.

More about the family friendliness of St. Pölten UAS