Innovations from Lower Austria in Museum

Insights into Groundbreaking Aerospace Projects and Technologies at Second Innovation Corner Exhibition

This week, the second edition of the special exhibition “Innovation Corner” on the topic of “Von der Forschung zum Erfolg: Innovationsgeschichten aus Niederösterreich mit Fokus Weltraumtechnik” (from research to success: Lower Austrian innovation stories with a focus on space technology) was opened at the Vienna Museum of Science and Technology (TMW). The exhibition provides insights into pioneering projects and technologies from the aerospace sector that highlight the innovative power of Lower Austria.

The exhibition features a project by St. Pölten UAS lecturer Ernst Piller on satellite cryptography in which he developed a method for secure communication that has meanwhile been patented.

Seven projects from the aerospace industry are presented in the exhibition that serve as examples of the inventiveness of many Lower Austrian companies and research institutions. These projects illustrate how research and innovation strengthen the national economy and position the province of Lower Austria in the global technological competition.

Lively Research from Lower Austria

“Our goal is to create an environment for researchers, students, and start-ups in Lower Austria that allows them to successfully introduce their innovative ideas to the business sector – as this exhibition impressively demonstrates”, emphasised Doris Agneter, Managing Director of tecnet equity, at the opening ceremony.

Michael Moll, CEO of accent Inkubator GmbH, adds: “This exhibition presents projects from Lower Austria that show how lively regional research and innovation have the power to enrich not only our daily lives but also our look into the infinite vastness of space.”

Margit Mischkulnig, Head of the Department for Space Affairs at the Austrian Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology, and Andreas Geisler, Head of the Aeronautics and Space Agency, held a keynote speech on the significance of aviation and space travel for Austria and Lower Austria.

Reaching for the Stars

“With the exhibited aerospace projects, the Vienna Museum of Science and Technology places Austria’s grasp for the stars at the centre of the ‘Innovation Corner’. The presented works by select start-ups and research institutions testify to the spirit of innovation and the practice-oriented training opportunities offered by Lower Austria in this exciting sector”, stressed TMW CEO Peter Aufreiter.

From Research to Innovation

In a panel discussion, experts talked about the path from research to innovation. Armin Mahr, CEO of University of Applied Sciences Wiener Neustadt, Johann Haag, CEO of the St. Pölten UAS, Udo Brändle, CEO of IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems, and Michael Moll, CEO of accent Inkubator GmbH, exchanged their views on the challenges and opportunities of this process.

Johann Haag said: “It makes me very happy that the St. Pölten UAS is part of this special exhibition. Our project on satellite cryptography is a success story that shows the strength of our research and our innovative power. The Lower Austrian universities of applied sciences and other research institutions demonstrate their outstanding potential in this exhibition”.

The exhibition was designed in collaboration with the Lower Austrian technology funding society tecnet equity and the technology incubator accent. It runs until 26 May 2024 at the Vienna Museum of Science and Technology.

You want to know more? Feel free to ask!
FH-Prof. Univ.-Doz. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Piller Ernst

FH-Prof. Univ.-Doz. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Ernst Piller

Lecturer Department of Computer Science and Security
Mag. Hammer Mark

Mag. Mark Hammer

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